
Chapter 1244

“Something strange is happening,” Zluth said, his voice burbling as if rising from the depths of a particularly thick bog.

“Oh?” Shozzl replied, not particularly interested.

Zluth continued to operate the array with his numerous, spindly limbs as he leaned closer to the readout.

“Many of our monsters are being lost under D-6. Too many.”

“Which mountain is D-6 again?”

“It’s next to D-5.”

“I know it’s next to D-5, you slimeless stooge. How does that help me?”

The fierce, primal anger that dwelt within all his kind boiled up in Zluth now, hissing within his slug flesh. He suppressed it. Those who surrendered to the rage too often soon found it became more difficult to resist. It was hard to find a role within the tribe when one had a nasty habit of biting off the heads of one’s partners. And those without a role were meat for the pits.

“D-5 is claimed by the tree, huccop,” he spat, a thick wave of mucus overflowing from his mouth. “Remember now?”

came into the eyes that had previously drooped on the end of

Even now,

to monitor his partner. She was getting a little too heated, and a little caution

and investigate,” he deflected, folding away the device and sliding it within

“I won’t,” Shozzl declared.

partner, once more allowing herself to sink back into the bubbling acid pool. He cursed. Of all the Krath he could have been partnered

you don’t, I will be forced to report

would have melted a human face in a tenth

are digested within the bowels of the Blubbeast, perhaps you will find your spawn mother there. I’m certain she still lives,”

shriek, eyestalks blazing red with her mindless anger, and Zluth raised his limbs

later, his stomach roiled unpleasantly as he slithered through the slime-soaked tunnels, rising up

cultivated a potent acid. Zluth’s digestive tract groaned and contorted in pain as it was eaten away and

here?” he muttered to himself, checking the readings on his detection array

wasn’t unusual, the so-called ‘civilised’ races always beat back the slime, but as far as the Slee were aware, this mountain was empty except for those useless termites. Having collected useful samples already, they had hoped to clear out the bugs and nurse a ripe pit of filth within its cavernous halls during this wave. At the last second, they would allow it to overflow out into the waters and contaminate them thoroughly. A glorious, yet temporary triumph

into the ooze. Faster and more agile than a slime-snake, he powered forward, his mucus-drenched foot propelling him at great speeds as he rushed towards the source of

felt it long before he saw it. Vibrations, travelling through the slime and even the rock below. There was a

Zluth slowed his pace and retracted his stalks, bringing his eyes close to his own acidic flesh. He stuck to the shadows and the deeper pools, cautiously advancing, wanting to see what

spawned by the wave, had attacked the slime and triggered this rage. Except that didn’t explain why it was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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