
Chapter 1253

[Here’s your core, little guy. Sheesh, this thing is about the same size as you.]

The master rolled the mythic core up to Invidia using one foreleg, letting it rest on the chamber floor right in front of him. The demon looked down at the spherical gem, seeing the powerful flows of mana within and around it.

He wanted it.

[I know, I know, almost all of your body is stuffed into a pocket dimension, I get it. Even so, it’s going to hurt like heck when you absorb that thing, so be careful. Was it helpful? Talking to the golgari, I mean?]

Invidia considered the question seriously.

[Yessss,] he hissed after a pause. [I learned much I didsssss not knowsssss.]

The master's eyes glinted, pleased.

[Nice, I’m glad you were able to pick up a few things. They know a heck of a lot more than me, that’s for sure. Is there anything else you need? Something I can get for you, before you take the plunge?]

Again, the little demon took a moment to think, his gigantic brain turning the question over with care.

[I havessss a question.]

The master froze for a moment, then waggled his antennae nervously.

[Oh? Of course, ask away. I’ll answer as best I can.]

The master lacked confidence, and thought Invidia was going to ask an esoteric question he couldn’t answer. Invidia thought he might be right. He himself didn’t have an answer to this question, but if anyone did, it was the ant in front of him.

[What ssssort of demon isssss Invidia?] he asked.

The master slowly rubbed at the top of his head with one antenna, an air of confusion around him.

[You don’t know?] he asked, sounding puzzled.

Invidia shook his head.

[I am notssss ssssure.]

leg to poke at one of his

an easy one. I thought you were going to ask me something

[You havesss an anssswer?]

demon was

know what type of demon you are? That’s just asking the wrong question.

confused. His master tried

doesn’t make them the same. Each of you is different from the others, and the further you evolve, the more pronounced those differences become. Don’t fret about making the right choice, and just pick what feels correct to you. No


be worrying about such irrelevant stuff, little guy.

He was unique? He had never felt unique. How was he supposed to know if he was

pushed such concerns aside, something else the master had said resonating with him much more strongly. Regardless of what

possessed, but Invidia

to use

Evolution will allow you to change

XP and Biomass more difficult as fewer rewards are given for preying on creatures

options are as

  • Greater Demon of Envy

  • Demon of Desire

  • Demon of Gluttony

  • Demon of Spite

  • Endless Envy

  • Vacuum of Want (special)

  • Green Eyed Beholder (rare)

  • of Possession

  • of Approbation

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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