
Chapter 1259

Sure enough, it doesn’t take long before Vibrant comes sprinting out of the office, even more energetic than before.

“It’s amazing, Senior! They know soooo much! Even though they have rock-rock heads!”

“Hey, they just have a second layer of rock skin, it’s not like their heads are actually filled with rocks.”

“I thought they just had thinking rocks.”

“What the heck is a thinking rock? You know what, I’ve seen weirder things on Pangera than that. Sure. Go and evolve, have fun. At least the torpor police won’t have to bother chasing you for a while.”

“I wish I could evolve while running. That would be amazing!”

“No it wouldn’t and don’t ever try it. In fact, it’s banned. I don’t want to find out if that's possible. Evolving is the only extended nap I ever get anymore and I refuse to have it taken from me.”

It’s also the only time I get free from the endless influx of the Colony’s Will. Not that it’s necessarily a bad thing, having the desires and impressions of my family thudding into my mind in a never ending stream. It just gets overwhelming at times.

“Have you spoken to your crew about what they’ll be up to while you’re down here?” I ask Vibrant.

It’s hard to believe she’s a leader, given her easy-breezy attitude, but not only is she a member of the council, she’s also a certified, bonafide commander of her own personal army. I wonder if they’ve come up with a name for themselves yet? Vibrant’s speedsters? Always Accelerating Ants?

Goodness knows.

I told them they all have to evolve so they can kinda-sorta keep

and cores as quickly as they possibly can. Which is fine. A more powerful speed-squad is only helpful to the Colony after all. In fact, of all the little groups running around, hers is the fighting unit that gets the

it, then. Good

a mythic evolution that turns her into the ant equivalent

story is not meant to be on Amazon; report

a silent prayer to the unnamed ones. Whoever’s job it

head. The Colony is getting stronger, so it’s all fine. In fact, I wonder how long it is until Brilliant and Solant evolve again? The other Colony Champions have been making great contributions lately, but those

all down for the count, I seek out Odin and find the wiry demon outside of Sarah’s chamber. He’s sitting eerily still, like a statue, just… watching. What

Odin. How’s

surprise as I smack a mind

me? I was

few more ranks if you want to avoid my eyes. Also,

I hadn’t thought of

gives off a cold and calculating vibe, and his mental voice is quite mature, giving me the sense he was a lot older than me when he died. Doesn’t mean much though, I’m

also smell you. Ant antennae are quite sensitive to scent. There’s also your gravitational field. I can pick

field be


An awkward pause.

planning on just hanging around outside of Sarah’s evolution chamber until she’s done? Just… hiding in stealth

lithe demon shifts

into. She’s already such an… incredible engine of death. I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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