
Chapter 1261

It takes very little time for the Colony to get the stuff together. A bit more than an hour, I’m not going to lie, but not by much. Within thirty minutes, the goods start to flow through the gate, along with many of the Colony’s best carvers. Even Smithant shows up! The only thing that could drag her away from her forge is the possibility of learning new techniques from across the fourth.

The other thing that flows through the gate is reinforcements. Many, many reinforcements. It turns out that the Council members I spoke to, mostly via the Nave, were extremely supportive of the prospect of a diplomatic mission to the rest of the stratum, but with so many close allies undergoing evolution within the nest, they didn’t want to leave anything to chance.

Over the next few days, they plan to bring in tons of ants. Soldiers, generals, mages, carvers, the works. Within forty eight hours, the nest will be locked up tighter than Fort Knox if it were placed within another Fort Knox which was itself within a safe. The possibility of a repeat of my own evolution, awakening to find hunters attacking to try and claim my sweet, sweet mythic scalp, will not be allowed to take place.

Which is a relief.

Another problem quickly rears its head when it’s decided that some of the human allies of the Colony should be brought along as well. Enid, obviously, is the first name put forward, and she graciously accepts, but after that, we run into trouble. Big trouble.


[LOUD! Always with the loud! Dial it back a notch before you smack my brain with a hammer, would you?]

[I apologise… most humbly… GREAT—Great One. I am in control of myself.]

Somehow… I kind of doubt that. Despite his words, the guy is visibly trembling still, just from being around me. I look at the other humans, waiting for someone to step forward and take him away to a hospital or something, but for some reason, it never happens. Actually, I think there’s a few people there that I recognise…. I’ll have to have a few words with them later.

“Why are we thinking of bringing this guy along?” I complain to Victor. “If he meets with other humans, he’s just going to weird them out.”

The general rubs her antennae together.

tell the humans apart very well, and certainly don’t know when they’re… ‘weirded out’. The other humans put him forward as their

did. They’re his

me we have some normal—other people

Road, this story should be reported if encountered on

deployed for the first time. We thought it would be a good idea to show just how closely we can cooperate

in charge of

“Captain Bird, you mean?”

fine. I wouldn’t call him sensible, but

at the two familiar

want those two included

a runner who dashes off to inform the

reach out to

me, I’m right in front of you,

at them. The girl looks a bit stunned. The guy just


ready! I excuse myself from the crowd and try to grab a moment

We are heading out of the nest and travelling across the stratum. This is going to be stressful

directly, which is that they prefer things, but on this occasion, it’s important we hash


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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