
Chapter 1264

The brathian continue to be quite friendly and open with us, even allowing the carvers to peek into their workshops. The results of that visit were apparently a little humbling.

“They’re way ahead of us,” Smithant admitted freely.

She hasn’t changed much since the last time I saw her, in terms of attitude at least. Focused, a bit grouchy, entirely obsessed with her craft. It’s not always easy for me to tell, since I’m so much larger than every other ant, but I’m fairly confident she’s evolved recently as well. There’s a definite metallic sheen to her carapace and I’m not sure she always heated metal via her mandibles, or used her own carapace as an anvil. A nifty couple of additions, she doesn’t even need a forge to work anymore. Case in point, she’s busy testing some intricate wire… thing, even as we talk.

“Is it uncomfortable having your legs bend backwards like that?”

The spot she uses to hammer on is just behind her head. Her eyes are mutated enough that she still gets a good view of it, though she sometimes needs to turn a little.

“They don’t actually bend backwards, they rotate in the socket.”

“Ah… hmmm… so is that uncomfortable?”


It sure looks weird.

“Sooo, we’re a long way behind them?”

care if we saw them at work, since we aren’t at a point where we could comprehend their advanced techniques. Their use of mana during the forging process is far beyond what we are capable of. For example, I’m fairly sure one of the forges

this trip,”

carver cleans off her antennae as

I would say. For our smiths to really push their Skills into the higher ranks, we need to investigate more advanced techniques like these. Now that we


big monster sitting around here

fairly private creatures. You’ll forgive me if I don’t

Royal Road, this story should be reported if

who enjoys a little

to be alone in my own head? Even if I got there, Crinis would be latched onto my carapace, no question. I really hope

the Satrap is the fattest brathian I’ve ever seen, then Marzban is surely the most muscular. Wearing his shining, gold plated armour that positively gleams with

tiny compared to me, but I’m trying to pay attention to the little

built around one of

bottom of a large fissure that runs straight through the middle of the brathian settlement, the Shulk is a huge monster, tier seven at least, its core gleaming like a miniature sun.

of them,] Marzban informs me readily. [You would have felt the

I nod.

by the Shulk. It keeps smaller monsters away, enriches mana, and reduces the burden of water pressure, allowing our settlements to thrive at greater depths than we would normally be able to live comfortably. In exchange, we provide for


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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