
Chapter 1266

A bubble generator, as it turns out, is pretty much what it sounds like. Each creates a thick layer of protection over the open topside of the ship, which all of a sudden is now fully submersible. The brathian are absolute masters of their craft, I have to say.

Marzban explains the process to me as it happens. First the ships take on a bit of water, making them heavier, and we start sinking. Normally, this would be terrible, the ships are literally sinking, except these ships are designed to do it. As we get lower to the water level, I watch as the shimmering ‘bubble’ forms, shortly before we sink far enough that the water begins to foam up the sides of the ship.

[When it’s just us aboard, we don’t even need the bubble, so long as we keep enough air below decks to prevent us from dropping too fast,] Marzban says.

Indeed, not every ship is deploying a bubble, only the ones with the Colony and our allies on board.

It’s a wondrous thing to see as the fleet slips beneath the waves, although it’s immediately overtaken by something else I spot.

An underwater mountain, its peak terminating just a few metres under the water’s surface. Obviously, this is the ‘spire’ part of the ‘Lakespire’. It’s a pointy ol’ thing too, resembling a spear more than a mountain. The further we descend, the more of it is revealed, and the more impressive the view becomes.

The brathian seem to have a way with coral. They use it for their buildings, some of them anyway, growing and shaping it into whatever dimensions they want. The spire is absolutely covered in the stuff, all of it glowing bright beneath the waves, and teaming with brathians. There are glowing docks extending out from the mountain, and I see hundreds and hundreds of ships, some with bubbles, some without, all tethered and hawking their wares.

senses, I try to get a sense of the mana in the area, and sure enough, I feel like

like to think of it as the brathian capital city,

the largest market their people have created on Pangera. It’s less like a capital and more like a

that area there, with the majority pinkish, purple coral?] He points off the side of the ship and I swivel a

warned not to move much,

from Royal Road.


rented by our Conglomerate. We’ll be docking there and inviting traders in to meet you and

I sigh.

feels like I’m going to be ogled like a prime

are risk averse, but they also know the greatest profit comes from taking the right risks. If they’re going to buy into your goods, they need to know

really argue with that. Except for the wiping out part. Give us a little time,

enough, I’ll be

underwater here. There’s no chance Smithant, Cobalt and the others don’t go absolutely crazy

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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