
Chapter 1284

For whatever reason, the Legion doesn’t look happy to see me, but hey, it’s Morrelia! I haven’t clapped my thousands of lenses on her in ages! I’m tempted to reach out with a mind bridge and say hello, but I get the feeling such an act wouldn’t be welcome. Answering questions about giant monsters trying to contact you the second they see you might be a little awkward for her.

Last time I had a good chat with her, she wasn’t a fully fledged legionary, or at least I don’t recall that she was, so obviously things are going to be a bit different now. Getting pulled into the family business is probably a pretty normal thing to have happen, I mean, I have no idea what my family did for a living when I was a human. My ant family? We just ant it up, it’s great. Every single one of us is pulled into the family business just by being born an ant.

When the Legion finally docks and begins to disembark from their ships, a rather large gathering of the Folk has assembled to greet them, and they don’t all seem to get along. At least, I think I’m sensing some serious tension in the air between a few of the groups. I try to ask Grey about it, but he’s a bit reluctant to spill any gossip about his fellow Folk, even if one of the clans is in the naughty corner for these shenanigans.

One thing I do notice, because it’s incredibly obvious, is how many of the Legionaries are glaring at me. Like, I’m getting so much stink-eye I feel like I need a shower.

Row after row of soldiers, decked out in their thick-plated, shiny legionary armour, with who I assume are the officers, along with Morrelia, marching up and down maintaining order. Despite acting so nonchalant, I’m self-aware enough to know that I am in fact in danger here. I’m depending on the hospitality of the Folk to keep me from being jumped by several thousand monster-hating super-soldiers. Not that Protectant shares my optimism.

“Eldest, are you going to leave yet? You said you’d just come to the docks for a look.”

“And I’m looking.”

“You have looked. We should go.”

“My look is ongoing. It’ll be done when I blink.”

“Eldest, you are perfectly aware that we can’t blink.”

“Seems like a you problem.”

The dedicated protector sighs heavily. It’s rare enough for her to come out on her own and talk to me at all, no matter what ridiculous thing I’m doing. Clearly, she and the others are quite on edge.

“Look, I understand this is a risky position to be in. If anything dangerous happens, then I fully intend to turn around and sprint back to the nest like the heroic leader that I am, alright?”

“Fine. We would be much more comfortable if your guardians were around at times like this. In future, try not to leave the nest without them.”

Really? They think having Tiny around at a moment like this would be helpful? I mean, it’d be great to have another powerful ally if a fight broke out, but him being here makes that fight about twenty times more likely.

are going to meet with the officers. Looks like the air is thick enough to cut

Road. If found on Amazon, kindly file a

it extremely well, Marzban, and a stoic Grey with

you can tell me what’s being

[From this far away?]

have, like, wolf ears or

He frowns.

considered rude to assume things like

I apologise, and

‘wolf-ears’ as you so delicately put it. I can indeed hear what is

wait, but he doesn’t

what is being discussed with this unworthy specimen, oh great Grey who I definitely

face in her hand

the council are welcoming the Legion to Freehill, while subtly warning them to

have a

no longer at war, so

[What are the conditions?]

what is


his brow,

must abide by our laws while within our territory. So, as a random example, they can’t kill any monster they wish if that

a good example. Very

the risks involved when giving succour

[I got it.]

them, making it more difficult for everyone when they inevitably are turned


entire world was engulfed in a never-ending wave that nearly wiped out all non-dungeon born life on Pangera. They have a long

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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