
Chapter 1316

Landing in the water wasn’t my most graceful landing, I’m going to own up to that straight away. I’d love to tell you that I masterfully manipulated the sparkling waters of the Lake using my mana, gliding to my ship upon a wave shaped like a herd of horses.

Instead, I plummeted down and smacked face first into the waves. It felt like I ran straight into a rock wall. Unpleasant to say the least.

But that wasn’t the worst of it. Not even remotely.

I was pretty much directly underneath the gravity bomb when it terminated. Great stuff, still very pleased that I wasn't consumed whole by the void of death. Great stuff.

However, other things were consumed by the void of death. A lot of things. Well, mostly rock, but lots of it. Lots and lots. And, as we all know, the gravity bomb does what a good black hole should, sucks things inside and crushes them into one nice little ball.

So what fell out of the sky right behind me? You betcha! An extremely hot, extremely dense ball of super rock. Not long after I hit the water, I sensed the damn thing coming and started to frantically paddle with my legs, not that it got me far, and a few seconds later….

Let’s just say there was quite the splash.

When the waves settled, which took a while, the brathians were eventually able to fish me out and dump me back onto the ship, which is where I now find myself.

Basically, I’m just flopping on the deck, not moving, letting myself slowly recover from the excitement of the day. It’s almost refreshing, in a weird way, to find myself this drained. It’s been a while since I was genuinely tired, physically, mentally and emotionally. There are still ten thousand ants around, so it’ll go away eventually, even if I don't sleep, but for now, I am straight up exhausted.

[A moment of weakness!]

Which is when Odin decides to pounce at me. Claw arms extended, he leaps through the air, heading straight for my most vulnerable point, my eye. I can’t even move, I just watch him come, floating through air, almost in slow motion, blade arms extended, a twisted glee burning in his demon eyes.

Actually… it’s… it’s taking a long time for him to get me. Is he actually using some slow motion ability?

floating toward

out to poke him. He’s still moving

taken without authorization; if you see it

you, Protectant? Wrapped him

to me. She glares up at the demon, who seems to have only now realised something

harmless, and I think Sarah

that front, but I’m pretty sure this wasn’t a serious

think you should take threats to your safety a little more seriously, Eldest! Especially

never see her, but I still get Will from them flowing into the Vestibule. Clearly, she’s a bit mad about the whole ‘almost getting eaten by my own spell’ thing. Which is

to be way more careful about throwing out that particular spell in future. To be fair, though, I’ve not fired

try to defend myself a little. I was reckless, sure, but

anything else, multiple times, since we joined you. Almost every time you use it at anything remotely close to full

definitely, maybe, think

going to keep doing it,

an emergency situation! It’s not like I’m trying to get

Odin. He’s now floated over my head and is in real danger of going over the edge of

to stop floating him at some point? How

on to float you away from dangerous situations. It’s quite complicated, are

Probably not.

abandoned the method because I got too

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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