
Chapter 1318

So now I understand why I was warned about these people. They suck. It takes us over an hour to rise all the way up to the island, moving at a nice, controlled pace, and the Magpei swoop around yelling at us the entire time.

When one of them got tired and flew back up, another one would just come down! They were determined to ensure we were subject to a constant strain of threats, insults, and repeated dares to ‘come up ‘ere!’. How these people managed to survive at all is a miracle!

Do the ka’armodo put up with this level of nonsense? The golgari? The LEGION? Although, they aren’t monsters, far from it, they were here before the Rending took place, before there was mana on the surface. So… I suppose the Legion doesn’t care about them one way or the other.

We arrive on the island itself, to be greeted by more of the preening Magpei, while others continue to fly overhead haranguing us.

Eran steps forward to speak for us, and again, the brathian Dungeon Seer continues to provide a running translation. Though I wish they wouldn’t.

[As agreed in our discussions some weeks ago, we are here as part of our trade mission to the mightiest and most flourishing trade hubs of the stratum,] Eran declares.

I know for a fact we’re pretty much only here because it’s on the way to the Silver city. Nevertheless, I understand the urge to butter these people up. The Magpei seem difficult to get along with, to say the least.

The representative of the Wandering Isle leadership who came to greet us seems to be fairly typical of her people, from what I’ve seen so far. They don’t wear a lot of clothing, covering the essentials, basically, and she seems annoyed to be here, looking down on all of us.

[We ‘welcome’ you to OUR isle,] she says, sarcastically, glaring. [I hope you can get your business done and get the HECK out of here, quick!]

For some reason, she turns to glare at me.

[You think you’re all that? EYYY? All big ’n stuff? You aren’t tough!]

What the heck?!

[Anthony is here as a representative of his people, who have brought many wonderful and shiny things for you to purchase,] Eran attempts to soothe her.

Only one word seems to catch her attention.


snaps around and

talkin’? If you’re pullin’ me leg, I’m gonna punch ya right in the

other Magpei. I turn to the mage


listen to it, then so do you,]


now and again, a new Magpei flies overhead, challenging us all to a fight and then asking who we are and what we’re doing here. Eventually, our guides tell them we are here to trade and are on our way to

tale has been stolen; if detected on Amazon, report

local trading guild, who is, mercifully, a human. He bows low and respectfully toward Eran as she draws near,

it's lovely to see you

are too kind, Eran. How is your esteemed

well, thank you

is that little Piris I see? Such grace and

girl giggles and

EY?] a nearby Magpei squawks. [EYY? Ya little

him any mind and he

the trade arrangements, when and where the Colony will set up their temporary market and for how long. When it’s all said

the giant ant in front of you, nice


you too,] he says, warmly. [I hope you and your people have a

what I wanted to ask you. How the heck do you live

Lowyn smiles gently.

you are referring to

was talking about the weather. Yes,

them,] he assures me. [Though it

the ground between the two of us, tangled around each other as they engage in a furious fist fight.

the area designated for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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