
Chapter 1325

Given the bustling streets and crowded storefronts, it was sometimes difficult for the two ants to move freely down Silver street. It was only thanks to the presence of their guide that they were able to travel freely and not be attacked by the many monster hunters searching for weapons and armour.

Eventually, they managed to make their way into a store and start poking around.

“What do you think?” Cobalt asked as she ran her eyes over the merchandise.

“I can tell that the materials used are rare. The mana running through the metal is very dense, and flowing smoothly, but there doesn’t seem to be anything super impressive about it?”

“Hmmm. These swords match your description. They’re extremely well made, and of good quality metals, but we’ve seen such things elsewhere. Perhaps we were expecting too much?”

[What are you thinking about, you two?]

They explained their thoughts to Irisod, and she examined the blades herself before shrugging.

[I’m hardly an expert. Let me grab a store clerk.]

[Are they a smith?]


[If they aren’t a smith, I don’t really want to talk to them,] Smithant said flatly.

[I’ll ask.]

As it turned out, all of the staff were proficient to some degree in the smithing arts, which satisfied the fussy ant’s requirements. She asked Irisod to explain to them the best qualities of the store’s work, and he quickly caught on to what they were getting at.

lasting arms and armour. There was a fair bit of praise for your fine

and began pointing to various parts

the enchanting is done on a separate layer, then encased. This helps keep the mana channels from being

again. “Why didn’t I think of that? And it makes sense that they feel like such straightforward implements, anything too complex wouldn’t fit in the internal layer,

reliable performance,”

They turned to Irisod.

two swords, two spears and two full sets of armour. What would be a fair

this tale is not rightfully on Amazon;

mage rolled her

question that isn’t easy for me to answer! I don’t shop here much, I don’t know what the going rates are for

would you pay in

not how this works,] the mage exhaled a little in frustration. [Give me a minute,]

to the store representative and began to speak rapidly while the two ants stood perfectly still, watching the exchange. After five full minutes, she again spoke to the ants over

best I can, but the price is still prohibitively expensive. To know if this is indeed the market rate,


what their bottom price is. If it’s cheaper, we come back and use that number to knock down the price here. Then we

Both ants slumped.

like such a pain,] Smithant

forges anyway,

endlessly haggling just so we don’t end up paying more than we



if Smithant had just committed heresy.

you buy

agree with you, it’s just that some things

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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