
Chapter 1327

[So… you guard my sanctum? What the heck does that mean?]

[We don’t know,] Alis replies, [that’s just what the description says.]

She seems to be finding her equilibrium again, though she oscillates between being unwilling to look at me, and a feisty stare.

The only sanctum I can think of involves a great deal of torpor, willing and unwilling. Given the appearance of these two within the Nave, I’m guessing that qualifies as the sanctum named in their Class description, but how the heck do they defend it? Defend it from what?!

The mere fact that the Class describes them as ‘defenders’ means the Nave can be attacked in some way, right? The implication is pretty clear. It’s kind of worrying that the possibility exists and I have no idea how it’s done, but at least I have some measure of protection. Hopefully.

[From my perspective, I can see a possible ‘sanctum’, but I have no idea how you protect it. Do you two have any clues?]

Jern and Alis look at each other briefly before Jern rolls his shoulders and turns back to me.

[No clue,] he says simply.

He’s direct, this guy. I like him, even if he’s way too stubborn.

[I can say this…] he begins slowly, [I think I feel stronger while I’m around you.]

[You what? You feel stronger?]

He nods, and Alis hesitantly agrees.

[Being close to you is empowering us in some way.]

Dammit. I know what’s coming next.

“We should keep these two around, Eldest,” Protectant whispers to me from the Shadows. “They could help defend you.”

“I’m not increasing the number of babysitters! I already have you twenty and that’s pushing the limits.”

impossible to tell we’re even

“I can tell. Easily.”

now, or at least have gotten close, but

going to have to level you up, and any other of the

they aren’t the only templars out there. Two more showed up

when she hears my plans to power level them, but Jern doesn’t

don’t want to level up,

from Royal Road. If you

at the back of his

like fighting that much,] he admits. [I’ll do it when

on a crusade? Maybe he feels like he was forced into those fights? That can’t

the Dungeon, it's monsters that need whacking. It shouldn’t be that

and the affiliated Skills. Not like a monster, who evolves and that’s pretty much it.

Someone with knowledge of religious based Classes. Someone who is willing to cooperate with the Colony and won’t hide things from


I need to think for a



think on the matter, all roads lead back

Beyn in here?] I sigh. [And Enid as well. Heck, get Isaac while you’re at

I want sane humans… should I

be feeling perfectly at ease, as if he were standing in a field watching the crops grow rather than a

the Silver City?] I ask

He looks around vaguely.

[It’s nice,] he replies.

return with our most wanted. Before I even see Beyn, I latch onto his mind

did shout that


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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