
Chapter 1330

Enid enjoyed spending time with Eran Thouris, though the brathian negotiator was often busy, such as now. But the retired merchant was content merely to be present and soak up the energy of frenzied trading. It reminded her heavily of the old days, a young Enid fighting for every scrap of gold she could get her hands on.

The secret to the brathian conglomerate’s success seemed to be: they always brought that level of energy. No matter how much wealth they amassed, they were as hungry for the next sale as they were for their first.

“Have the table dressings arrived? I wanted to see the samples two hours ago!” Eran demanded.

“Not yet. There have been issues with the supplier….”

“Inform them we will be cutting their payment by twenty percent as per our contract. Timing of the delivery was stipulated very clearly.”

“They may not like that. What if they drag their feet even further?”

“That’s what the second, thirty percent delay penalty is for. Have the ants approved the proposed layout for the market?”

“They have.”

Eran made a humming noise of approval.

“It’s wonderful to work with people who understand the importance of a prompt response.”

Enid smiled. The Colony loved being organised. They were likely just as appreciative of the brathian obsession with logistics.

“You seem to be putting more attention into this stop than the others,” Enid observed.

Eran turned to her.

the Silver City. As much as it pains me to admit

and going constantly, even at night. The docks were just as busy,

remarkable place,” Enid sighed. “I certainly hope

The brathian smirked.

so much money on the line I can practically smell it. If all goes

from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found

So far, they had subsided purely on


“Finally! Let me see.”

mood, stalking around the stalls with a critical eye. The lace didn’t hang properly. The trim wasn’t up

barely. To the Eran’s eye, even the the slightest issue was as glaring as an ink

her approval was given, but only begrudgingly. Had the contracts not already been signed, the formidable brathian would surely have demanded

on a venue?” Enid

before we departed the Conglomerate,” Eran replied

is a good thing?”

It cost a fortune, but it’s well worth it. The Dome is a prestigious and beloved venue here in the Silver City. Just

seems things are going

Eran cautioned. “There is still much to be done. How is Anthony, by the way?

after a moment of thought. “He doesn’t cope well when he can’t move around, in

Eran nodded.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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