
Chapter 1344

The world itself is screaming as the gravity bomb warps reality around itself, but it hasn’t even expanded yet. I ignore everything happening above me, since I can’t do anything about it anyway. Either the phoenix of light will overcome the spell, or it won’t.

I mean, I certainly hope I’m not responsible for the death of the guardian beast of the golden city. I get the feeling a few people might get a little mad about that. Not to mention, he seems like a pretty good chap. For a bird.

I mean, he almost came out and told me that he would save my sibling if he could, though not in as many words. However, he can’t let me through, which means he’s an obstacle to saving my sister. Which means he has to be removed.

I put the fate of the phoenix out of my mind and send it inwards. That steady trickle of Will continues to pour in from the captive, still the same as before. It’s a confusing jumble of pain and fear, still growing weaker and weaker, though slowly. So slowly. As if her Will itself were being sapped away, piece by piece.

What sort of insane atrocity is being committed down there?! Do they really think they can get away with it!?


The bomb screams towards its target. Rammon leans his head forward once more, beak open wide.

light isn’t there, the next it is. A dozen metres thick, it projects itself for kilometres, blasting a sizzling trail through the sky of the fourth. Somewhere, in the heart

but it's not going to be enough. The bomb doesn’t quite reach the giant monster before it expands, but it's close enough

rumble, the entire mountain shakes, waves begin to rise and even I feel the pull of it. Redoubling my efforts, I focus on the well I’m manipulating and use it to keep myself moving forward. I wouldn’t be surprised if the golden city gets ripped in half as a result of this spell, but that’s none of my business. I didn’t want it to come to this, but

taken from Royal Road, this story

I can’t help but focus toward the great phoenix. With another beat of his wings, Rammon cries out again and begins to gather light into himself. In seconds, he’s too bright to look at, not that

and Rammon, an incandescent figure of light, hang opposed to

within the void and crushed, and the vast amount of energy he conjured goes in with him. First

to consume the bomb with his own body?!

and dimmer, shrinking in size as it consumes the phoenix. Such a vast amount of mana and energy is being funnelled into it, and so rapidly, the

every speck of him is gone,

is gone. Where the phoenix had been, there is now a void, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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