
Chapter 1352

The gang is back together, and my goodness, they all look so different! For starters, Invidia now has a blue eye, but not in an ‘imbibed too much spice’ kind of way. Only the iris is blue, and if anything, it’s kind of soft and welcoming. His physical form hasn’t changed much, at least the part of it that isn’t tucked away into its own little pocket dimension.

He’s definitely a little bigger, a little stronger-looking, but for the most part, he’s a big ol’ eye, with two wings, and two long gangly arms hanging down. When he smiles, the air itself slips apart beneath him to reveal his ravenous, toothy maw. That mouth is out in the open now, grinning a toothy grin as I take a good look at him.

[You’re looking positively dapper, Invidia! Full of life! How does it feel to reach the seventh tier?]

[It feelssss good. I have grownsssss assssss a demon.]

I can tell, but it seems to be even more profound than that.

[I think you’ve grown as more than a demon, little buddy. I think you’ve grown as a being. You feel more genuine. More you.]

His big eye blinks at me.

[I’sssss agree.]

I mean, it must be a little weird having your personality and the thing you crave the most changed by evolution. Or is it the thing they crave the most that drives the evolution? I’m not sure, but judging by how happy he seems, I think Invidia has chosen well.

Tiny… Tiny is huge. It’s easy to see he poured his evolutionary energy into increasing his physical prowess as much as he could. Striking a balance between raw size and muscle density, he’s grown quite a bit. Hard to imagine there was once a time when he was riding around on my back. He’s way bigger than I am now, and it’s not like I’m small.

I mean… how big was King Kong supposed to be? Tiny is giving him a run for his money. At this rate, he’ll be smacking over the empire state building with one hand in a couple of evolutions!

a few measures to ensure you don’t just die when

dumb ape. Invidia being a dedicated support caster half the time was just so he could help protect Tiny from himself. We secured armour and enchanted gear to try and help cover

has been taken without

a wide grin, the ape

strong and tough! Don’t

fur, always liable to change evolution to evolution, isn’t as long or shaggy as it was before. He has a strong silverback colouring, but the whiter fur looks almost like electrical lines, streaked across his

crackle around him, lines of force rippling across his forearms and fingers. There’s a

a second. You got a

run up to him and jostle

just like me! Look at you, big guy! Who’d’ve thought

very pleased with himself, and when I’m done congratulating him, he gives me two big thumbs up. This guy must be an absolute terror in a fight. I can’t wait to see

Time to take


need to let go of

but what if

your evolution went, and I can’t do that when you’re gooped onto my carapace!


together before expanding to reveal

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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