
Chapter 1358

It’s nice to have the full council around. How long has it been since I saw them all together in one place? Even Antionette and Victoriant are here, now majestic tier six queens, with huge gasters for generating many, high-quality eggs.

It’s actually the two Queens who speak up next.

“Things have been going well up there,” Antionette tells the Council. “We’ve expanded to over twenty antcademies, with satellite nests built around each of them in the second stratum. However, we are beginning to push against claimed territory.”

“Haven’t we taken a lot of ‘claimed territory’?” I ask.

“We have, but that was claimed by independent city states, which are now part of the Colony.”

Good for them.

“We are now brushing against parts of the Dungeon claimed by the major powers, and we don’t want to antagonise them.”

I mean… we could…. No, that’s probably a bad idea. Prosper in peace. This is the way.

“How are the… uh… former independent cities doing? They’ve come into the fold alright?”

“Well…” Victoriant shifts a little uncomfortably. “For the most part, yes, but the cities who were… persuaded… by the crusade…”

Good lord. What did those crazy priests do in there? Are those people suffering from trauma? Do they resent their ant overlords?

the problem

just very enthusiastic. Several of them were almost depopulated due to the

the opposite problem. How the heck did that

things are going well up there, I

we have the architects of the entire program right here with me. Theresant and Florence are in attendance, each

opens up, clacking her mandibles with obvious

strides in streamlining the rearing and education process. A thorough exploration of the various Skills and mutations that affect education and growth have resulted in us uncovering what we believe to be the best possible combinations. A fully grown hatchling has a significant statistical advantage

aware that it

to learn, right? You

they want to be, the first question they ask is what we

Obviously, they’re ants.

You’ve got to push a

this results in them trying to divide themselves up according to what they think the Colony needs. They get quite

might have to chalk it up as a lost cause. Trying to get them to choose their own path in life seems pointless when they can’t really be happy unless they feel like they’re contributing to the

are the Brood Tenders handling

now. There’s less expansion happening in the first and second stratum; with less new nests being built, we aren’t having to

you guys get to tickle the grubs all day long! I’m so jealous! How could you possibly

almost hesitate to ask, but how many students are we graduating each week? Or are

weekly. It’s difficult to say, but across all of the nests, we are graduating close to one hundred

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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