
Chapter 1369

Things are looking pretty decent down here. Well, by ‘things’, I don’t mean the environment, that’s for sure. It still sucks down here. Big time. But, the work of the Colony has been immensely successful. We’ve been able to maintain our foothold here in the fifth for two days, and I’ve spent the last few hours taking a break within the cleansed mana zone, poking the wuffers with my antennae.

Everytime I give them a prod, they wobble like sentient jelly, wiggling in delight and happily letting out their little ‘wuff wuff wuff’ noises. It’s not as fun as playing with the brood, but it’s a pleasant distraction from the madness going on at the edges of the territory.

“Surely you’ve had enough of a break now, Eldest,” Advant says. “When are you going to get back out there?”

I turn my attention to the powerful, tier six soldier, who is also taking a break from her duties on the frontline.

“By ‘back out there’, do you mean out into the toxic poisonous mana of the fifth? Because, just in case you weren’t aware, I’ve been running in and out of that stuff for days now, and it’s rather draining.”

That’s putting it lightly. When I finally decided I’d had enough and sat down for a rest, I was shocked to discover just how many little pockets of invasive mana had managed to take root inside my body. A single speck of fifth stratum energy is enough to kill me if left untreated, but after the relentless pressure I’ve experienced, even with so many mind constructs monitoring, some was still able to slip through the net.

I managed to purge myself after a great deal of effort, but it was a sobering reminder of just how careful I need to be down here.

“I’m aware of that, Eldest, more than aware.” She looks out at the area surrounding our little bubble, the only pocket of safety amidst an entire stratum of madness and death. The locally spawned monsters are still coming at us as soon as they can, crawling, rolling, clambering, worming their way through the tunnel to throw themselves at the Colony and destroy what we have created. It almost reminds me of fighting during a wave. Not quite, the spawn rate around here isn’t enough to properly mimic the sheer insanity of fighting out in the Dungeon during a wave, but the feeling of being under siege is extremely familiar.

“Do you think they’re ever going to get tired of that?” Advant asks me.

creatures who can resist the urge to go completely berserk when

soldier waggles

you mean

I shake my head.

Amazon, be aware that it has been stolen.

aren’t the only smart monsters down here. This deep, there’s sure

for us to overcome,” Advant replies, grim determination clear in her tone. “No matter how many of them there are, they won’t be able to overcome the Colony. We’ll succeed here, I

something, so it’s going to get done.” I too cast an eye at the madness still happening all around

much is clear. Unfortunately for it,

be satisfied with the progress we’ve made? I notice the boffins have been recording and measuring non-stop for the last few

too familiar with all of it, but I know that the main thing they’re interested in is how well the purification process is going. It's the hinge around which this entire operation will swing, and the only reason we’re down here

leave?” I ask

considers for a

think. We pretty much have what we came for. Solant is

cheerfully working in the centre of the formation. Without these creatures, we don’t have any hope of success. Fingers crossed, they’re up to the job. It’s been a little eye-opening to see just how small a space five hundred of them can keep pure. I’m not sure exactly what

Advant notices my gaze.

worry, Eldest. The wuffers are still a work in progress. With further refinement, and higher tiers, we’ll

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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