
Chapter 1371

When people play sports and get together after a game, they’re all standing around drinking… sports juice… or whatever, talking about the game and clapping each other on the back, it’s always such a heartwarming scene, such an inviting feeling.

Not that I would know, I’ve never been a part of something like that in my entire life. In my human life, anyway.

However, this here, this must have been what that would have felt like. After our successful effort spelunking the fifth, the entire advance team withdraws up into the tunnel. No ant or wuffer is left behind, all our records and observations are collected, no fuss, no muss, no misses. In every sense of the word, a successful mission!

The generals are happy, the mages are happy, the core shapers are happy, the soldiers are happy. The healers are not happy, because… healers… but also because there were many cases of mana contamination that had crept under the radar and needed to be taken care of.

In terms of downsides, that’s probably the biggest one to come out of the scouting operation. Despite all our precautions, it still wasn’t enough. Many of the frontline ants, our biggest and bulkiest soldiers, experienced some level of exposure to the toxic mana of the fifth. It’s not that surprising, really; all they have to do is poke a leg out of the safe zone for a fraction of a second and bam, contaminated.

How exactly we’re supposed to counter that, I have no idea, but I’m sure the boffin, big brain ants will be able to figure something out.

“Eldest, we aren’t scheduled to do another exploratory mission for another week,” Advant tells me, walking up with a fair bit of pep in her step. “Obviously, we want you and the guardians to be a part of the team. More specifically, Solant wants you as part of the team.”

“Well, if the great general wants me along, who am I to say no?”

She’s getting too big for her carapace, that Solant. She’s cruising for another thwacking! But obviously I’m going to go along, what else am I supposed to do? I mean, there’s a ton of work to do cleaning out and securing the tunnels beneath the nest, but the invasion of the fifth was my idea in the first place. I demand to be in the centre of the action!

“Are we going in with a similar sized team next time around?” I ask.

Advant shakes her head.

core shapers, carvers and generals will make modifications to our strategy in the intervening time. Hopefully, things will go just as

her tone, she

long until the Krath catch on to what we’re doing?” I ask. “They’re bound to

when they do, things will

use of content: if you find this story on Amazon, report

have,” Advant waves away my doubt. “Certainly, it’s in our interest to act at all times as if they are fully aware of our actions. Our next

to look

more difficult. The first mission was an unprecedented success; it couldn’t possibly continue in

down there, gang?] I ask my three

gives me a clear thumbs up, while Crinis and Invidia both tell me using more conventional

had to remain inside in the safe-zone, only able to blast things outside with the light extensions of his punches. He much prefers to hit things directly, but it seems the quantity and variety of

with my closest comrades, a scout rushes up to Advant and

report. Someone has come

her, roughly a kilometre away with a few other Legion soldiers

rebuffed by the head gear. Sheesh. How does she expect us to converse? You want me to write things down? I don’t

came over with a bunch of ants as well as the crew, so the small group of Legionaries are looking rather pathetic compared to the firepower

and not launch an ambush or something,

some discussion between Morrelia and her troops, none of whom seem all that happy about the situation. As discussions continue, Morrelia becomes more and more visibly frustrated, until finally she relents

what’s up?] I ask,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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