
Chapter 1404

Chapter 1404: Within the Fortress Chapter 1404: Within the Fortress

The wave had arrived; Goszi could feel it. Even here, in his little bubble of natural fifth stratum mana, he could sense the raging torrent of power at the edge of his senses.

He grinned savagely to himself, then chomped down on a scone. Apparently, the Colony hadn't covered it in the candied blood of their enemies, but instead some sort of jam. He'd been told it was made from strawberries, whatever that was. In any case, it was delicious, and he annihilated the treat between his needle-sharp fangs before spearing the crumbs with his radula.

For once in his long life, it was difficult for the old slug to determine how he wanted the future to play out. He'd betrayed his own people, certainly, and if he were caught by them, he would be put to death. This was something he'd rather avoid, of course.

However, he didn't like the ants, and he actively hated whoever the puppeteer pulling their strings turned out to be, probably the Legion, despite the farce he'd seen. If the entire invasion was destroyed down to the last insect, he would rejoice in his heart, then hope he could break out of his prison and loot their tea supplies.

He pondered this question further as he took his time selecting which scone he would devour next, only to be interrupted by a disturbance by the window panel.

The light shifted, the panel became clear and Solant was revealed on the other side, at ease, already enjoying her tea.

[Greetings, Goszi. I see you are well.]

[What do you want?] the Krath demanded, unconsciously moving to protect his precious scones. [You blackmailed me for all I can tell you!]

Solant clacked her mandibles, expressing her doubts about the accuracy of that statement before taking another sip of tea.

speak with you again now that

[Have you already surrendered your life to the fifth? That

complete and our defences established, there is nothing more I can do. We

to manage before, you're in for a whole world of pain. Nothing in the Dungeon can prepare you for what's

Goszi?] Solant asked coolly. [Would you care

don't feel the need,] he replied, smug. [After all, you've built your fortress; all you need to do is see if you can hold out. What does it matter what I have to

mana. Where am I, Goszi? I'm sitting here, drinking tea and eating snacks. Am I in the fourth? The third? Or am I here, in the supposedly 'deadliest' stratum of

The Krath sneered.

of me so cheaply? Why would I expose any information I possess when I can watch you come crawling back to me, begging for answers while the walls of your fortress melt before your very eyes? Perhaps then, your masters will finally make

surprising? That a species of sapient ant would be so successful in taming your home stratum?] Solant asked, genuinely curious. Goszi's insistence that someone had to be behind the invasion and the Colony couldn't be responsible had never bothered her, but

He didn't trust Solant. Her steely, unflinching attitude and the almost unemotional timbre

ant had managed to get him to say far more than he'd ever intended; he wouldn't allow her to get any more. He might have betrayed

all else, self interested, beyond even what other

make a wager?] she said. [How long do you think the fortress

I supposed to

for you to secure a way out of the fortress in the event we start to lose. Let's say that the moment the outer wall is breached, you win the bet. It will take at the very least a few

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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