Chapter 49 Plans

We all looked at each other.

“Is he the person who raised you from your birth?” My dad asked her.

“Alice dear, would you

you mind giving us your address in Canada?”

She looked at my dad, then she looked at me.

“We need him to answer some questions.” I told her just to give her a clue about what we were going to do.

“Are you about to hurt him?” She asked.

My dad just wanted to say something, but I knew she was asking this question out of curiosity, and not because she wanted to defend him.

tay alive if we found him.” I told her, then she looked at my dad.

“Well, I don’t think he’d stay

” give you our address in Canada, and also there is a flat in Montreal that he owns. I don’t know the address of that exactly, but I know where about you can find it

My dad looked at her weirdly.

“Don’t you mind that darling, if he’s going to get hurt?” He asked with a frown

“I hate his guts.”

“I see.” My dad said sadly.

“The only thing I ask, please don’t hurt my mother. She doesn’t deserve that.

She is only the victim of him, too.”

“Alice, 1

I can promise that your mum won’t get hurt.”

“Thank you.”

She looked sad, and all of us stayed quiet, but Sloane stood up suddenly and she looked at us.

“Okay, now there is enough from work, and sad things. Today they invited us to celebrate, and we can’t celebrate with sad

“Me and Alice looked at her questioningly.”

“Yes everyone, we are celebrating today, so leave the work for tomorrow.”

d faces.”

I heard my mum’s voice while she clapped her hands together once from behind us. They were all back. Only Ava’s cute face showed disappointment.

⠀⠀⠀ She kept staring at Alice, who sat on my lap, and wrapped one arm around my neck. That made me smile.

“And what are we celebrating?” I asked mum, who smiled widely

at my

my question and looked at Alice.

og our new member of the Sullivans. Alike dear, it makes me thrilled you found each other finally. Welcome to the family.”

“We are celebrating

She moved to us and kissed Alice’s face first, then mine. I shook my head with a smirk. My mum was really annoying sometimes, but I knew how much she loved me and her family, and I was so grateful for having them. I knew from now on, they would treat Alice well, trying to make up for the past, giving Alice a family that she never had

Soon the servants brought a bottle of champagne, and we all, this time including Alice, drank for the occasion. After chatting for a while, mum invited us into the house as the dinner was ready.

We had a pleasant time together. S Sloane, Leah and Ava stayed close to Alice. They mostly talked about figure skating.

for the night. When we all agreed that was time to go to sleep, I lead Alice happily into my old rooms. had a shower first. I was waiting for her in the room. When I Enished in the bathroom as well, I

Chapter 49 Plans

think she would sleep

what are you doing in

looked at me

I would wait for you here.” Then she stood up and went to bed. She covered herself completely, but this time, she didn’t turn her back to me when I climbed into bed next to her. Apparently, she still felt uncomfortable, so I moved closer and 1 embraced her. She didn’t refuse. She let me hold her. I closed my eyes, ready to sleep,


you really want me

her pretty face, as only the moonlight gave us some light in the dark

do you think

“That isn’t an answer.”

I sighed.

want to

feel bored

would I? You are far more interesting than getting

be so

I sighed again. I never thought that these words would leave my mouth anytime in my life, but knowing what kind of life she lived, I understand why she couldn’t trust people. I wanted her to trust me, therefore I decided I

share what I have, but then you came.

I chuckled.

you, your natural beauty amazed me, too. You don’t know how many times I felt last while I watched your butt in the kitchen, or

She laughed too.



looked at her with

saw you at our wedding I lost my confident about my plan. I knew it wouldn’t work. I

then kissed me. When

know it’s mad, but I want to stay with

we’ll stay

moved back into my embrace, and she closed her eyes. I kissed her forehead, moved my hand to hold her butt, which made

Chapter 49 Plans

family. Alice definitely looked more comfortable. It was nice to see her happy. Sloane wanted to take her out for shopping, to hand out, but I had to say no for that. Unfortunately, until we didn’t solve the conflict with Riccardo, I couldn’t let Alice go anywhere,

with her more, but I had to say no to that, too. This wasn’t because I was afraid Alice would be in danger, it was

was looking for would

vibrating. First, I wanted to ignore it as I had a clue who that was, but then I thought I could be wrong,

you. We are having a problem, and I

“What is it?”

“It’s Gemina

“What happened?”

Chapter 50 Expensive Girlfriend

dollar mory loss. She said you gave them persion, and she verbally threatened us. She promised us she would make sure you would kick our

Dave? Why

as a gift. We questioned her more, but like said,

s sake. I’m married.”

not may gilfriend, for

didn’t understand me. They knew I got married, not knowing the reason though,

“I’m sorry Gideon.”

to them after making such a mistake, but this time I let it

goes there next time, just refuse her. Tell her she is a guest like everyone,

that, Gideon.““No problem, just make sure you do what


should have known that she’d try things like that. Even if I didn’t know what to do, I knew I had to talk to her. I had to make her understand I couldn’t stand her

chatting happily with the others, including my mum. To see her happy made feel an unfamiliar

changed my plans. I thought we would stay in my parents‘ house tonight as well. My plan was to go to the club tonight and have a conversation with Gemma. I felt bad to leave Alice here alone, but to

back to them and I

it Gideon? Is it something


but I have to leave tonight for

had many questions on her

“Do you need help,

just a minor problem in the club. I’ll deal with it on my own, but if I could ask you to take care of Alice till then, that would

dad was thinking for

I borrow you for a

I nodded.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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