Chapter 52 Mrs. Sullivan

“That use that word, Alice.”

“Why not?”

“Because it doesn’t sound good from your mouth.”

She made a fe

“Since when are you so good?”

“Since I got you.”

She smiled and shook her head. Then she kissed my lips lightly before she got up.

“Then I should get ready then.”

“Yes” I nodded.

“Aren’t you petting ready?” She asked me with a frown after leaving the bed.

“Alion, I bet I’ll be ready at the same time as you.”

“Why are you so sure about that?”

“Beovise you are a woman and I’m a man

She just shrugged her shoulders, then she walked to the door.

“See you soon.” She said without looking at me.

I smile while I turned on my back and watched the ceiling, still not believing what she’s done to me. I was in love for sure,

that Seth was right. It was a good feeling to love someone

thought were on the future. I imagined how good it would be to live with her after there would be no Gemma, and no conflicts with

for a while, I looked at the clock, and I thought it was better to get ready. I

chose a black shirt and black trousers; I put them on, and I went down to the living room. She appeared soon. I could hear her high heels, how she walked down on the

so I wondered what she chose for a

anyone to see but me. Her cleavage was sexy, but it still left something for the imaginations. She let her brunette,

anywhere?” She asked me in a laughing tone. I just realised then I stiffened while watching her. It took all my power to come out of my think about going out instead of taking her up into the bedroom,

stood up and walled to her. She looked up

do I look?”

looked at her first seriously,

“Not bad, not bad.”

and tiptoed so give a light kas on my lips. I was certain she knew really well what she

“Thank you”

daze, and

I helped her to go in, I drove to the club. I wanted to

her waist. She looked stunning, and I

entered, my security guys looked at us with a little surprise, but I only smiled at them,

Dave stopped, and I gave him a meaningful look. Me not pushing her


smirked and nodded in

that I was right, when I thought the personality that she showed us was only acting. That was really her. The confident, stunning, strong and proud Alice. My

make sure she was safe. We walked through people, and just like Lexpected, I caught a glance. That was Gemma. At our table with her friend. Her eyes stuck on us. I looked at her eyes deeply. Then I held Alice’s


we arrived at the private room, I asked Dave

quiet. The loud

your husband’s

in. She walked to my desk and sat on it, supporting herself with her hands behind

take for her to come?” asked me, which made me smile. Clever, I thought, but she looked at

writing. I opened it. A few pictures were in it and a message. They took the pictures of Gemma while she was dancing intimately with one

into one of our stores. We lost a lot of money and two guys. Say hi to Alice.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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