Chapter 74 Meeting an old fear

The body wasn’t familiar at all. The man was short and fat, but still stronger than me. I hit his body as I could.

“Shut up, you little bitch, or I’ll make you sleep.”

dy where I could reach it, and I tried to scream as loud

The voice I heard made me stop screaming instantly. My heart sank because I kno

I knew that voice. I hated that voice.

“Charles? Let me go.” I tried to form the words under his palm. But he just laughed at me.

“Not this time, honey. Now you are fucking going to come with me.”

Then he pulled me with him. I hoped to yell for help when we got to the busy street, but I felt a sharp thing at my back, obviously a knife.

“If you dare to scream, I’m going to pierce this knife into you and you can say bye to your short and pathetic life. We are going to walk next to each other like a loving daddy and daughter duo.” He said this last sentence with a laugh. Feeling the knife at my back made me quiet. I looked around desperately, trying to find a way out, but no one paid attention to us. I felt broken.

We just walked next to each other quietly. I didn’t cry or tremble. I think the shock just didn’t let my brain feel the weight of the situation.

We arrived at the car park soon, and he led me to a van. He opened the back and pushed me into it. He closed the van’s doors, and I could hear the latch slipping into its place. I had no way out.

Hearing him starting the engine made me feel terrified, and I started gasping

The shock was over, and my nerves brought the feeling of fear to my brain. I trembled, and I couldn’t stop my tears from falling. I only hoped that Gideon would miss me, and he’d come after me.

“Gideon, please come for me.” I whispered that quietly while sobbing, trying to believe in wonder, hoping that he could hear me.

The way was long. I heard laughing from the front. That told me he wasn’t alone. I only laid on the floor motionless. The several humps made me sure we weren’t in the city anymore. Only God knew where they were taking me.

we stopped. I heard them getting out of the car, and I could hear the

are you waiting

I couldn’t see where I stepped, I fell. I hit my knees and palms badly, but as soon as I

the hell, Alice.

to land on your

both laughed, while they held me from both sides, and led me somewhere. As I looked around, I thought maybe we were still in Los Angeles, but this area was dodgy. Everyone on the street looked weird, and I saw many women standing on the sidewalk, probably prostitutes. While we walked to a building, the people who we met all greeted

You are going to earn

This is for sale.” Charles said, and his words

much do you want for

accepted a deal already. The

an unknown feeling went through my veins again. That was the family or group who cut Lily’s tongue out. I cried again. I felt

her before you give her to them, count

flesh. I’m guessing only Gideon Sullivan touched

74 Meeting

surely must have me at the party. You know you own me one from

the conversation. I felt like throw up. I didn’t know what to do, but one thing was sure, I’d fight until

the building was damaged, messy, and smelly. We walked up the stairs, and we stopped on the third floor. They took me into

me down on the

of place this is. If you dare to escape, you heard what is waiting

you do this to me?”

was younger than Charles; It looked like he was in his twenties. He was muscular, with blonde hair and brown eyes, but to me, he wasn’t handsome


thought you were smarter. Why? For money, of course, and for kicking some asses, but that doesn’t matter. I got an acceptable amount of money from the Sullivans already. Now I’m going to let Riccardo know I have you and I’m going

opened a beer and drank from it.“I’ll be rich, and I’ll leave. I’ll buy a house, and I’ll have

to go on her first?” Jeff asked.

Charles laughed.

you horny, doesn’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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