Chapter 79 My family




I looked away. I really couldn’t believe that happened to me. The only thing that I really wanted in my life was a gold medal from the Olympic galica and since I got together with Gideon, I wanted to live happily with him. I never wanted to be rich, and I thought all that I went through I deserved a quiet, pleasant life, and now I got this. My tears fell again, but this time, I tried quietly.

“Alice.” He tried to make me look at him, but I just lowered my head.

“Alice, you have to know I loved your mother. We were so young, she was only seventeen, and we were so clueless. When she told me she’s pregnant, I was so happy. I really wanted you to come to this world, and I would give you everything to have a good and happy life. But Charles betrayed us using Fiorella and you.”

He waited for a few seconds.

“I was looking for you, Alice. I never forgave her for leaving nie, and broke my heart, for taking you away from For not giving me a chance to ser you, and let me be your father. I spent nineteen years searching for you, but not finding you made me lose hope. I wanted to ask for your forgiveness for my failure and give you what you deserved since you were born.”

He took a deep breath

“I know it’s hard, Alice, but please think about it. I know you’re scared and shocked now, but please try to calm down and think about what I said.

He caressed my face gently and stood up. He had a last look at me, and he left the room. I hugged myself on the bed and looked out of the window. Many thoughts were on my mind. I thought about my childhood, I thought about my mother, who lied to me all in my life. Probably that was the reason her nerves gave up. She let herself be taken away and fooled, hoping we would have a better life. And what did she get? What did she give me? Charles. Charles Morris. The person who was responsible for the suffering of this family, my and my mother’s family. He was the reason for every bad thing that happened to us.

What could have happened if he wouldn’t have interfered? I might have a normal family. A loving, healthy mother, and a caring father. My life could be so different. I could be an olympian when I was fifteen, as I would have had a wealthy, loving family who would support me the best.

I don’t know how long I sat there. When I heard the door open, I looked at it. Alexandra stepped in.

the bed and sat on the side. She was a beautiful woman. Much

you want

I honestly didn’t know what would be the right

don’t want that, it’s fine. I’ll ask Rosa to

to disappoint her, but I wasn’t hungry at all. Instead of that, I really wanted to know something. I didn’t dare to ask the real question, but I had a way to find the


but I’m afraid it’s stayed with Charles.

my chest felt heavier. I regretted never taking the time to memorise Gideon’s number. There was no chance for me to contact him. This family was the

her head and

you do

at her, swallowed, and

of my son, Matteo. Would you mind


just remembered she told me at the ice rink she has a little

“Is he…?”

Chapter 79 My family




our son with Riccardo. He


me and stood up, too. She held my hand. Her hand was soft. It felt nice. She gently led me out of

looked elegant, but somehow I could tell instantly she didn’t belong to the family. She played with a little boy. The little boy had brown hair, and when he looked at his mum, her nice green eyes showed happiness.

the little

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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