Chapter 81 Divorce

He lifted his head up after I entered his workroom after knocking.

“What is that, Alice?

“Ihat would Er to ask you something.““Go on.”

“Would you mind if I would go back to skate?”

“Of course not. I was going to ask you about it. As far as I know, you were training for the Olympic games, so if you want that, I’m more than happy to

“Well, this is exactly what I wanted.” I lowered my head for a moment. I felt so uncomfortable asking him that, “So I would go for it”

“I gave you a card already, find the best who you need, and go for it. Or if you want me to…

“No, I’m fine. You have done a lot already for me,”

“Alice, stop it. Wish I could have done more.

While he said that, there was a deep pain in his eyes,

I smiled and nodded. I was about to leave when I heard his voice.

“Alice, there is a document which I want you to sign. I turned around and frowned. “What is it?”

He put it on his desk. When I got there and saw the paperwork, my heart nearly jumped out of my chest. That was a divorce agreement,

+10% Bonus


Just to see his name made my heart ache. I stood there for a few seconds, but when my gaze met Ricardo’s questioning one, I took a pen and I signed it. “Okay, you don’t have to attend or do anything. I’ll do the rest.” He said.

I turned around and left his office before he could see my tears, I leaned against the wall, and I tried to take deep breaths while I hugged myself. That was painful. I felt I couldn’t bear


me the breakfast was ready, then she left the room. I didn’t really eat, I couldn’t, Missing her was the worst feeling ever. I was afraid they hurt her. But my dad said they

believe him,

me, and now I knew what he was doing. He wanted to kill me, and he killed me slowly by torturing me to death. He wanted to end my life the worst way possible. They took her phone, and I guessed she couldn’t reach me, but also there was a thought in my mind: why would she? I failed to protect

memories of her about me were when I was shouting at her, and I hurt her. I told her

breakfast Sloane shouted at me. She moved here after

how old are



but I’m still young.

come with

She didn’t even let me dress up properly, she just pulled me down to the dining

dad and mum smiled at me. They really tried

Chapter 81 Divorce

+109 Bonu

I thought I would train today.

what he wanted to hear. He tried to pull me out of my misery, but he didn’t know that he couldn 08:3 hoped that time

because I knew they wouldn’t have left me alone if I didn’t. When I was ready, I stood up, then I walked out. I wanted to go back to my room, but Sloane didn’t let me.

painful and apologetic look while he led the person in a

his hand towards me to

name is Fausto Rossi. I’m

entrusted by Mr. D’angeli.”

heart pounded faster, and I felt I would punch him when

but I couldn’t help my feelings. It made

off. She is my wife, and she is fucking going to remain my

you again.” I shouted, nearly out of my mind. Sloane held my arms, trying to calm me down, but my

Rossi, you heard my son. This is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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