Chapter 85 Rich life

+109 Bonus


“Look, Alice, I have no intention of keeping you locked. I want you to be happy, to live your life. That rat is outside, and I put some things into your s You can find them in the glove box. Take them with you just in case. Charles won’t attempt to hurt you. He knows we are guiding you. You don’t have

to worry.”

I nodded.

I stood up, then I walked out of his working room. After I closed the door, I leaned against the wall, 1 needed to take a few deep breaths. That was my name from now on, and I told myself to forget about the other one that I wore only for a short time.

Alice D’angell. It sounded better than Alice Sullivan, anyway.

1 walked out of the mansion to see Carlo standing at my new car.

“Alice, if you need any help, or anything at all, you call me. I’ll be around, and I’ll be available.”

“Thank you, Carlo.”

he opened the car door for me. When I sat in, I opened the glove box instantly,

a small electric shocker. I put both of them into my bag, and

I turned it on, I just remembered I needed the address. I took my phone to get the right post code into the car GPS, but when I saw the place, it was familiar. I only hoped that it wasn’t the sports centre where I used to train. Gideon wouldn’t go there, but I

in the momings, so even if that was the same place, I had the chance not meeting her. When I arrived, I closed my eyes, then I sighed in disappointment. It was the same club as Ava’s. I got out of my car and I walked inside. I knew that if we were going to cooperate, I would ask them to leave my afternoon free. I wanted to leave the other trainings at last, just to avoid meeting

found them quickly. When they saw me, I saw the happiness on their faces. I didn’t really

have gone through a lot of things. They were impressed by my performances and achievements and offered to train me for the Olympics,

know if that was because they really liked me or it was just because of Riccardo’s money. I actually didn’t care. They needed me to fill in a form, and when I wrote my name on it, I could see the surprise on their faces. Probably they thought I got married or something. Who would

I just remembered I didn’t even have skates. When I told them I have to get a new one, and I have to break them in, they looked at me surprised again. Yes, who would think the champion, famous figure skater

longer than a half an hour. When I went to my car, I felt the familiar happiness and excitement. At least, one thing I got

just realised that I had no clue where I was going. I didn’t know Los Angeles. I took my phone, and I searched for an ice skating shop. As the picture appeared, my heart ached again. I remembered the place. Gideon took me there. That time I feared him. He inquired about the assistant’s top choices, but when

a liar.

address into the GPS and I left the

car park near the shop was familiar, Even if I was there only

me feel worse.

Sullivan. Nice to see you again. How can

looked at him.

need ligure skates and

that made

Chapter 85 Rich life

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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