Chapter 92 An instantly sobering meeting

Our gases met only for a second as she turned around and disappeared in the crowd. I forgot about everything, and I ran after her. The crowd held me back, and I quickly lost her from my view. I ran out using the main entrance, as that was the closest. As I ran up the street, an expensive car’s back caught my attention. It dence away quickly. I couldn’t see the plate number, but I knew the type. The D’angelis have used these ears since the accident happened.


I closed my eyes in disbelief when I recognised Amber’s voice.

“Gideon, what is wrong? Why did you run out?” Amber asked me in surprise. I would have never explained my feelings to her. She just had nothing to do with that, but I have also lost every intention of having sex with her.

“Amber, I’m really sorry, but I have something to do now. I will make sure my guys take you home.”

“What are you talking about? Are you serious?

I looked at her. She was angry.

+10 Bonu


“I’m serious. I’m sorry.” I took my phone, and I called one of my security guys, but she nearly hit my phone out of my


but just to let you know, nobody can

She was alive; she was well, and probably she indeed agreed to divorce. But she came to me, and she saw me with another. She was sad, and she ran away, Would she have been the same if I would have been alone? I asked myself, and I blamed myself. Maybe I could have her back today if I wasn’t that stupid. I

They probably thought that I was mad, and actually I was, I fucked up again. There was only one thing that I knew. From then on 1 just wanted to


went to the bathroom. I quickly got ready, as I had to be at the nink at half past four to have enough time to warm up,

always expected me to be there in time, and a few times when I was late, she made sure I

to fuck off and leave me alone sometimes, I knew she did everything to put me on the top of the podium at the olympics. And

but not much. Even if I met him in the gym or in the dance studio, it was hard to stand on my

greeted me, then he called their guys to let them know I was leaving. I nodded, but I hated they watched every single step of mine. A day ago I couldn’t hold my feelings back,

he could sneak in without their attention, so there was a slight possibility for him to return. I nearly argued with him, and finally he agreed to loosen the lace, and at least he promised me I would be watched from

I drove to the rink. When I looked around, I saw Riccardo’s cars. He kept his

A few minutes before five, I stepped on the ice. Straight after, Beth appeared. She was apparently


Are you

“Yes, I’m.”

An instantly sobering

and warm up. I got

didn’t say a word. I did what she asked me. After a few jumps and spins, she motioned to me to

analysed your Salchow, and we both think you should work

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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