Chapter 110 Warning

I swallowed.

“Alice is worth more than my pride, and more than my life. My mistake is undelayable, and it will torture again. I’m choosing her. It doesn’t matter what price I have to pay for it‘

I still kept my head lowered.

“Your family members turned their backs on you. You are alone. How could you protect her?”

“I’m strong and prestigious enough to create a new group, if that is necessary.”

“Are you?”

for a lifetime. I failed once. I won’t fall

He walked to the window. It took a while for him to speak.

“I watched you for a while, Gideon. I know you could change for Alice, but you still have to prove that you are worth being with my daughter, and you are good enough to belong to my family. The only reason I’m going to give you a chance is because my only daughter loves you.” He remained quiet for a little while, then he continued.

“I always tried to find her, and I missed a lot. Now that she is with me, I try to give her everything that I can, and you have to know she is under my protection. She suffered enough. She can’t be harmed anymore.”

He walked in front of me and motioned for me to stand up. I did. He looked into my eyes.

“Only one chance, Gideon. Keep that in mind.”

I nodded. He nodded too. He walked back to sit down.

“It’s nearly time. Don’t let her wait for you. Carlo will take you back to the lounge, wait for her there.”

As soon as he finished the sentence, the door opened, and Carlo looked at me. I turned around, then I walked to him. I knew that my family would abandon me for what I’ve just done. What I just did was called betrayal, but I kept thinking about them doing the same to me.

I followed him. He led me to a living room.

“let Signorina D’angeli know you are here.”

I nodded, then I walked to the window. I was thinking. Riccardo’s words echoed in my head. It wasn’t just it seemed like Charles was more clever than we thought, and that meant he probably was the part of a bigger group, but he perfectly planned every single step, including the accident. I knew that from now on I couldn’t underestimate him, no matter how small he seemed like.

in a short time. I knew a few people around me from the club who would be loyal to me


covered her shoulder

and walked closer. I smiled back. I held her waist to pull her closer gently, and I

her, keeping her close. Her

“Thank you.”

“Are you ready?

nodded. I lifted my arm up, offering her to wrap hers around it, and we walked to the

Chapter 110 Warning

see him close to me, but my

at him. Seeing one of their cars waiting for

got into the car, and the driver drove the

held Alice’s hand, then I just caressed it with my thumb. She looked calm and happy. That was

stopped. I wondered how come my car was parked at the gate. A

got out of it.


my car.

waited for her to fasten her


my smile

“Nothing really.”

a slight laugh. I smiled this

got used to the

“He is nice, Gideon.”

I sighed.

I don’t really know his pleasant

She laughed.

tighter remaining quiet for a little while, she turned to

“Where are we going?”

that soon. We aren’t

made me smile. I remembered she said no one ever took her on a date.

her out too, I thought that was the right time. I looked at her wrist and I was happy that she didn’t wear a bracelet.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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