Chapter 115 The question

After I received his message, my mood was worse. I knew he loved me, and I trusted in him. But I hated that his family forgot me easily, and they tried to push him to Amber. I missed him, and I wanted to see him every single day. When he took me home from the hotel, I had an idea. I didn’t know what Riccardo would say, but I thought it was worth trying.

I called Beth a day before, and I told her I had some problem with my stomach. She wasn’t happy at all, but she had to accept that I wasn’t feeling well, so I couldn’t train, I knew I was good, and after missing a day of trianing I could get hack to where I was, so I thought losing one day wouldn’t count.

Riccardo took his little family for a day out, so I had to wait until the evening to talk to him. Alexandra found me first straight after they arrived back, and she wanted to know every single detail, of course. I told her everything. There was no point in denying I spent the entire night and morning with him. I was certain about Riccardo’s people made him aware that I didn’t come home in the evening.

After I reported everything to Alexandra, I told her about my plan. She wasn’t happy at all because of my safety, but she understood why I thought about it. She was concerned about what Riccardo would say, but she thought if I would explain the situation to him smartly, he would help me out.

I went to his working room, and I knocked. He shouted from inside to go in, so I walked in. He sat at his desk and he read something

“May I sit down?”

He motioned to me to use the chair opposite him, I sat down.

“How was your night?” He asked. I fell my cheeks burning. That was something that I really didn’t want to discuss with him.

“It was nice.”


id he behave himself?”

“Yes.” I am

I smiled while I moved my gaze to the ground.

“Good” He said, then he remained quiet.

“Alice.” He called me, as I was deep in thought. I felt stupid for a moment. I lifted my head up to look at him suddenly,

“I assume you came here for a reason.”

“Yes.” I said, but I desperately tried to find the words I needed to explain smartly why I came to see him.

“Will you tell me?”

up on

later I could have a flat or something. He

you feel good

that. I love being with you and Alexandra and Matteo,

want to have some privacy with that… Gideon.

But I looked at him suddenly

asking me something, especially something that


don’t mind if this is what you really want, but note

I nodded.

I got

uned to that already“.

Chapter 115 The question

that was the

find a flat for you

you can view it, and if you like it, then

stood up, moved behind him, and I

“Thank you.”

hand on

“You are welcome, Alice.”

I let him a

at him with a smile and he smiled back at me. I walked to the door, but before I would have left, I heard his voice


him with

daughter, he must spend time with Alexandra and I, so he can learn

After leaving his room, I just leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath and exhaled slowly. I was thrilled. I had to admit that I started to like him as

to my room, getting

Riccardo told me about how their day was, and what Matteo

him. I wasn’t jealous, really. I just felt like I wanted to comfort him. To hear what they were forcing him to do made me angry too, and I hoped he could come and have dinner with us tomorrow. I knew he wouldn’t refuse the Invitation. Not

early again. I texted Beth in the evening to let her know I felt better. After I finished my morning routine, I ran to my car. I drove to the sports centre, and I was there in time, before she would have arrived. I had more time to warm up, which was

you don’t look sick at all.”

I just eat something that I shouldn’t. I had

terrified look, which


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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