Chapter 129 Broken hearts

Riccardo was truly angry.

“Riccardo. I know he loves me, and I understand he loves his family, too. I understand he couldn’t choose, but I just wouldn’t be able to share sim, not even if I trust him. That is why I let him go. Please do nothing to him,”

“Are you defending him? I accepted him. Erven offered my help if he needed (1.” He shouted.

“He told Seth you could help, but Seth didn’t let him ask you.”“”

He laughed, but not happily.

“That is a kid, too. I can’t believe Spencer has two sons, and he couldn’t teach any of them to be capable of living in our world.”

His words hurt me, but I knew that his anger was because of me.

*Please Riccardo, just don’t harm them.”

He stared at me for a while. His gaze was deadly this time, and I honestly worried.

“He won’t do anything with them. Is that right, Riccanto?”

Alexandra glanced at him with a meaningful look, and Riccardo’s gaze softened a little, but he remained serious.

“Stay here with us, Alice. I’m more calm if you are in this house.”

“I’m fine.”

“Just for a little while. You must get better, and that is easier if you get someone around to talk to. Then if you want to be back in your flat, then you go. How is that?”

Alexandra asked me while still caressing my back.

I nodded. That was indeed better to have them around.

“Come, I will give you something to eat, then I think a hot bath could calm you down” Alexandra stood up and pulled me gently with her by holding my hand

But there was one thing that I wanted to hear from Riccardo. I turned to him…


He looked at me, still frustrated,

“You didn’t answer to Alexandra’s question.”

He sighed. He knew exactly what I meant.




see any of them anymore.”

“I won’t do anything to them. I don’t care about the Sullivans anymore, and I would be happy if I wouldn’t need to see any of th

I lowered my head, then I nodded.

kitchen, and after I

to play with him. I had to admit that I felt much better than if I would have sat in my

finished, Matten woke up from his nap.



pieces. I don’t remember when I cried the last time, probably when I was a little kid, but after I left the building. I really needed to use all of my strength to hold

went back to my house. I thought I would find someone in there, but there

stared at her picture for a long time. I took it in my hand was certain about I wouldn’t

sat on I

Chapter 129 Broken hearts

ready to help them, but then I wanted her back. I only

much more. She deserved to be the queen

I put the picture back in its place. As I didn’t know what to do, I just walked down to my kitchen. I


heard Seth

the kitchen.” I shouted back to him. He appeared there in two seconds, but he

“What?” I asked

you okay?”

from my drink,

“No, I’m not.”

“What happened?”

I shrugged my shoulders.

at me

“Is that Alice?”

she wasn’t happy about the situation


looked away and crossed his

“I’m sorry, Gideon.”

“Yeah… me too.”

He came closer.

sure she loves you very much, and maybe when this is all over, you two can have a good

“Yeah, maybe”

from my glass, then

you talk

He sighed.

you were

lowered my head, then

and I

I nodded again.




Chapter 129 Broken hearts

are we going to find out

I asked him

ready, then we

I nodded again.

“I’m ready”

too far. It was in a friendly area.

in the garden after he gave his daughter to his other half, to take her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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