Chapter 167: 96. Rain in the Heart (Single Update of 10,000 Words)_5

He quickened his pace, sprinting upstream along the underground river, reaching an area beneath the steam boiler room.

Here, he encountered a dozen Imperial Soldiers who had just finished their battle.

The sound of Lieutenant Cavado’s footfalls startled the soldiers, who were bandaging their wounds behind the military barricade, visibly wounded.

They immediately raised their guns, aiming at him.

If they hadn’t recognized the military uniform on Lieutenant Cavado, a friendly fire accident almost occurred at the scene.

“Hold fire, don’t shoot, it seems to be an investigator from Division Intelligence Unit Two…presenting my report, Chief Officer!”

A sergeant ran out from the crowd of soldiers and saluted the lieutenant that was coming towards him:

“Korabo Legion Fortress Guards, the 115th Garrison Squad is on duty, could you identify yourself?”

“Superintendent Investigator Cavado from Intelligence Unit Two…What happened here? Did you see a group of Skeleton Warriors?” Lieutenant Cavado crossed the defense line’s railing, asking questions one after another.

The sergeant spoke:

“Report, sir. Not long ago, a team of Undead Constructs walked over using the underground river, attacking the Steam Boiler Room. We immediately set up a defense line and successfully annihilated this Skeleton Army.”

“Good job. I have brought the breakout route map. Now I need to meet the Fortress’s Commander…how’s the situation on the ground level?”

Lieutenant Cavado, while walking towards the entrance of the Steam Boiler Room, asked the sergeant.

“Report. The Legion Castle has been occupied by the undead. Left with no choice, the Commander ordered the destruction of the second to fifth floors of the Castle, to prevent the confidential files from falling into the hands of the Undead Cult. The Commander is now near the Steam Train Station, gathering troops, preparing for the breakout to outside of the city.”

pushed the metal door open, and stepped into the Steam Boiler

through, although it leads straight to the

walking through this path would be easily surrounded and annihilated by the undead

could be used by a large army

Unit Two wasn’t just idling all

Empire, they also, under the request of

recorded the escape route for the

escaping soldiers not trigger

breakout route map to the Fortress Commander, half of Lieutenant Cavado’s mission on this

had to take back the remains of the


be a

ground level, faced the

was indeed killed by a self-destructing skeleton,

warriors who attacked Kasha were already Killed by the soldiers


his words could earn the trust of

that he must find a

“Ooh err… Ooh err…

noise entered

raised his gun, looked at the passing refugee group,

actually escorting a group of female nurses! And none of the female nurses

spine! Without any hesitation,

“Bang bang bang bang..”

series of rough gunshots, the heads of

group which had not long escaped danger, causing a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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