Chapter 175: 99. Second Ring Wizard

After a flurry of activity, the broke-down locomotive was successfully connected to Section Two’s vehicle.

Noland Lee officially set off on the road to the Narrow Pass.

He released the handbrake and switched to neutral so that the locomotive under him was being towed by Section Two’s locomotive, while scanning the approaching imperial Narrow Pass with a squint.

It was a military fortress built into the mountainside.

The elevation of the military fortress was about 300 meters.

Its main structure was inside the mountain, predominantly consisting of tunnels and underground bunkers that never saw daylight.

Parts of the fortress protruded out of the mountain body, hanging like a bas-relief on the smooth cliff.

To enter the fortress trom the ground level, one must take the elevator.

With the backing of someone from Division Intelligence Unit Two, the guards at the narrow pass barely inspected Noland Lee and let the entire convoy pass.

Noland Lee and his steam locomotive beneath him steadily ascended along with the elevator platform.

Watching the receding ground beneath his feet, Noland Lee sighed with relief.

When the elevator platform ascended to its highest position, it docked on the ground floor of the military fortress.

Noland Lee’s steam locomotive was pulled off the elevator platform by Section


Two and parked in a nearby shed.

“Thank you once again, Chief Officer,”

and watched the warm-hearted

his shoulder, and dragged him towards the vehicle escorting

of the convoy were counting the criminal soldiers in

of the convoy saw Noland Lee, waving his hand

“Isa! Ker! You’re here.’

road. If we hadn’t met a kind-hearted investigator from


carefully observed the

that he was

enough of the complaints. Has Ker woken up?…Still unconscious, huh? Well then, he’ll have to be taken

spoke to a soldier at the narrow pass for

two team members to

of Ker,

the guards at the narrow pass escort the criminal soldiers

captain handed a remote control to Noland Lee,

soldiers are urgently needed by the garrison at the narrow

the remote control in

a turn

he could control an electric

took out the metal stick around his waist, banging on the iron cage while

listen up. We’re here at your graveyard. Now, I’m going to take you to


word more, directly pressing the remote control against


The current surged.

to the ground, convulsing and begging


soldier rushed over and spoke to

are the latest instructions from

Intelligence Unit Two in arresting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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