Chapter 271: 118. Mysterious Connection

Spray Powder Day arrived.

A deep rumble emerged from the depths beneath the ground, like the sounds of countless wild horses running on the cliffs ot the Great Rift.

With a deafening explosion, the sky was filled with black metal dust pouring out of the Great Rift.

They turned into dozens of black smoke pillars, more than ten meters wide, shooting up into the sky, heading straight for the azure heavens and the large and small suns.

The ascent of the black smoke pillars quickly faded, drawing arcs in the air, falling towards Lower Town’s various sectors in a parabolic trajectory.

Already waiting on the ground, the powder collection devices opened their horn-shaped collectors, operating at full capacity, absorbing the all-purpose metal powder as it descended from the sky.

For a time, hundreds of vortex-shaped black clouds appeared around the Great Rift, and numerous large, dense powder blocks were pulled away by the powder collection devices.

The lightweight metal dust drifted with the wind, flying to various parts of Lower Town, and then slowly sinking under the influence of gravity.

Alchemy devices dispersing fumes appeared in the alleys and streets.

The water mist met with the metal dust, helping each other condense quickly into black contaminated water, reducing air pollution.

Carbonated water rich in all-purpose metal dust slid down from the eaves and walls, flowed on the ground in the troughs, and entered the underground waterways.

Already waiting at the first and second underground layers, the members of the extraordinary forces were greeted with an exciting moment.

hostile forces from attempting

of Spray Powder Day, the more metallic powder the water storage devices in

attracted all those eager to make a fortune in a short

Iron Thorn Shield Security Firm, all security team members who wanted to accumulate wealth in a short period of time volunteered to participate in the task of guarding the first and

Sector 7, Kent and Mark each led a team to guard the second

third underground level, there was


sand from the folding space,

third underground layer, there were six staircases leading to the fourth and second underground layers, with metal

passage entrances leading to neighboring Sectors 6

eight metal gates that Noland needed to

each metal gate, which was already his limit in terms

of last night and the whole day today frantically

Noland gently patted

kind of alchemical trap equipped with an energy storage array that

Deconstruction Technique played an indispensable role in this process. After Noland produced a semi-finished alchemical trap, he just had to throw the Deconstruction Technique, and he would know the final pass rate

semi-finished product.

the semi-finished product to improve the pass rate,

had asked him to help guard the third underground level, giving him 100,000 union coins as operating funds, with a promise to pay an equal amount as a reward after the end of Spray Powder

using them

these 16 alchemy

gang gunmen, as for the gang’s alchemists, those would be dealt with by

satisfaction, put on the hood of his alchemy cloak, and activated the alchemy runes inside the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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