Chapter 279:119. Bountiful Harvest_2

Hickman Arlington, hearing “pressure step board,” slightly tensed his facial features:

“I have no idea what you’re talking about..”

“It doesn’t matter whether you understand or not, Hickman Arlington. As long as you cooperate honestly, we will handle things according to the ‘No. 6 Wizard’s Law’.”

Philia looked away, no longer focusing on the anxious Hickman Arlington.

Her gaze moved along the fissure caused by the explosion toward the pressure step board. Many fragments of corpses torn to shreds by the explosive force appeared in her field of view.

The ‘Elemental Vision’ magic revealed:

The pressure step board is an alchemical product, composed of metal parts and stones, and carries a faint trace of earth elemental energy.

The silk thread connected to the pressure step board is a pure metal object, and it also carries a faint trace of earth elemental energy.

These threads extend from the floor of the underground Layer 10 to the ceiling

of the Underground Layer 11, which is the top of the Demon Rat Nest’s first layer.

Clearly, the silk thread is controlled by the pressure step board and is used to trigger a certain deadly trap.

For instance, four controlled-grade alchemy bombs.

The energy shock caused by these four bombs was so evident that it was hard for Philia to ignore their existence.

But the question is, how did these four controlled bombs, which should have been placed in the nest’s first layer, get detonated near the pressure step board?

the Blackbone Hermit and Armed Alchemical

wizards like Philia being confused, even the petty Hickman Arlington

a hidden force

Arlington had this

that it might be related to the strange creature behind the Sector

hidden force as the wizard sent

two, each with their own thoughts, patiently waited for the security team

her feet. Her gaze penetrated the passage from

the ‘Elemental Vision,’ each tunnel layer was filled with a

the nest and near the Sage’s Lock, the elemental energies were displaced by extraordinary forces, leaving several blank areas in the

dark corners of the third layer of the nest, just like the evil beasts waiting for their prey to come to

is a very

water; thus, blood carries

would be reflected as a continuing flow of

kind of human silhouettes would contain absolutely no trace of blood, thus possessing no

The answer is self-evident.

smile appeared on Philia’s mouth, and a mocking look as if she had caught a

an ambiguous gaze, she glanced at

made Hickman Arlington jitter nervously, his entire face turning ghastly

the help of ‘Elemental Vision,’ all Blackbone Hermits are

Philia said coldly:

you have

to the Death Spike Wand, unlock your magic lock, and completely hand over the right to use it. If you cooperate, not only will I allow you to return to the ground

second choice. You can choose not to hand over the wand, but you have to go to the third

to wipe you out… My mentor didn’t just give me the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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