Chapter 281: 119. Bountiful Harvest_4

[Your completion level of deconstructing the Banhee’s Shadow Skull has reached 80%!]

[You have obtained the following deconstruction results:]

Airwaves rolled in the corridor as the echo of the explosion continued, and the aberration’s slime splattered everywhere.

A translucent female skull burst out of the smoke caused by the explosion.

Two small horns grew on her head, two slender fangs protruding beneath her upper lip, and her hair tied like venomous snakes swayed behind her head.

Her face was lovely, but it exuded an eerie vibe.

Fear and joy flashed through her eyes:

“Evil Blast? Hahaha, even Hickman Arlington had a downfall coming his way. I’m free, I’m free! I’m going to eat some fresh flesh. Ah, I crave the blood of a virgin! No, no, no, who ignited the corpses? There’s someone here! I have to leave quickly…”

Before the banshee skull could flee, an aberration undead hiding behind a corridor corner charged out.


[System Message: ]

[You consumed 1 point of Soul Strength and 10 points of energy, casting the

“Evil Blast”, and detonating a level 1 aberration corpse.] [You have defeated the Shadow Skull of the Banshee.]

[Activating Passive Deconstruction!]

quite curious about the talking banshee

mean he was willing to have a

that he couldn’t control, it was better to learn

Banshee clearly wasn’t something good. Whose pet would shout about drinking “virgin blood” the moment they broke

to kill it was enough,

and smoke

fragmented corpses and shattered magical items, and

ending their mission and erasing all traces

60th underground layer, where all things would be shattered into mud from the massive

to Sector 7’s underground

site, Noland Lee

corner of his mouth, contentedly patting his

All full-

contributed more than

Beast pets – venomous snake, poisonous toad, aberration, black blade leopard, and the banshee’s head contributed a total of 80 points

480 points of Soul Strength joined Noland’s panel, bringing his stock to

“Bloody profit- Bloody profit-

smile, there was a

Arlington in an instant, but Hickman Arlington came over from Sector 8 and

the Meow Judgment were to investigate to its core, Noland Lee would still be

of excuses in advance to remove myself from

pondered and checked the

[System Message:]

entire panel information,

unlocked the standard panel of “Poison Toad Soul Beast” and other Ethereal Beings, earning a

have unlocked the standard panel of “Disposable Food

earning a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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