Chapter 289: 120. There’s a big difference in restraint 6

[Activating this skill will turn your body, along with your clothes, into a skeleton instead of a walking dead, and enter a detachable state. You can freely switch between a complete humanoid skeleton and a skeleton divided into six segments. Beware! If you don’t restore yourself to a complete humanoid form before deactivating this skill, you may suffer severe injuries.]

‘”Skeleton Form’? A skill skin? And it’s functional too! Is it really okay to have so much fun with this?”

Noland Lee’s interest was instantly piqued!

At first glance, ‘Skeleton Form’ seemed like lots of fun, and it would surely have unexpected effects in special scenarios!

But… but this ‘AFK Level Up’ was just too tempting.

‘Breath of the Dead’ is now at level 10.

To manually level it to 11, it would require 100 energy points.

To AFK level up to 11, ‘Breath of the Dead’ needs to be activated for 50 hours, consuming 5 Soul Strength points and 50 energy points.

The energy consumption is reduced by half in comparison!

If Noland Lee chose the ‘AFK Level Up’ feature, he would undoubtedly save a lot of energy points.

It is a good “cost-saving” method.

However, instead of figuring out how to “save money”, it’s better to think about how to use ‘Skeleton Form’ to “increase income” by obtaining more energy points.

After all, from Noland Lee’s two lifetimes of experience as a human, “saving money” would not make people rich; it would only slow down the rate of poverty. The only thing that can truly make people rich is making a fortune. There was no doubt that ‘Skeleton Form’ was a feature that could take shortcuts and make a fortune!

“I choose option three! ‘Skeleton Form’!”

Noland Lee murmured and then had a thought in his heart.

His body transformed from its original flesh structure into a pure skeleton.

The next second, the skeleton split into six segments.

His skull, two arms, two legs, and the torso fell apart, dropping to the ground, and rolling a few times before stopping.

Noland Lee’s figure could no longer be seen in the corridor, and instead, there were only piles of gray-white bones left on the floor.

The aberration elite monsters seemed dumbfounded, as it was evident that they froze for a few seconds. It wasn’t until they were bumped from behind by the little aberration monsters that they snapped back to reality.


Devourer let out a hiss, charging forward and heading straight for

back, and I stepped on your arm, using their bodies

5 meters tall appeared in the corridor. One aberration after another stepped on their companions’ bodies, leaping

bottom of this flesh mountain formed by the accumulated aberrations, two human arms struggled to squeeze

hard, finally managing to pull the two legs free from the pile of flesh after a lot

up at the flesh mountain in front of

illusion, an illusion. It’s because my head isn’t attached to my

around, taking in his legs, arms, and torso lying around his

turned back into a complete human

it and took out a mirror to examine his hollow skull. Noland Lee discovered

Cult’s skeletons had dark green or purple-black light orbs,

orb inside his skull. The inside of his head was empty, and he didn’t feel anything unusual when


sides of his body, treating him like air. Seeing

the demon rat nest, finding the

demon rats and aberrations sounded powerful, but in reality,

were artificially interfered with and

entered the nest, they first saw the lively demon

to summon the aberrations, but their control over

aberrations from

up, he didn’t see Philia and the others retreating, but a gruesome scene of the aberrations and

their fangs sinking into them from head to

frenzied demonized rats tore into the aberration’s

elite monsters unleashed

velociraptors in appearance, used their iron-whip-like tails to sweep back and forth. With a “snap” sound, they whipped circle around the

branches tormented by a violent wind. As the tentacles lashed at the demonized rats like whips, they also spread massive amounts of venom, creating a bloody

a chaotic situation among the parties involved, without providing any help

the others, because there were too many rats blocking the nest’s corridor and

Hermit’s side, things got

in between

nest, they’d run into Philia and the others head-on, resulting in a

in the third layer, they would encounter the chaotic battlefield of

could the Blackbone Hermits do in such a

defenses, or take

Lee thought that if he were the Young Raven, he would definitely choose to

The reason was simple.

core combat power – the Demon Hunters. This was a professional

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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