Chapter 310: 124. Sightseeing tourism? _2

He hadn’t tested how far away he could be before his connection with the “Mind Beacon” would break. This journey provided a perfect chance to find out.

As for whether or not to place a “surveillance camera” in the cabin…

After considering it, Noland decided not to.

The lady housekeeper’s daily routine was on the first floor, occasionally coming to the second floor to clean.

Setting up a “CCTV camera” in the cabin seemed to somewhat infringe on the housekeeper’s privacy…

Guided by the principle of not peeking without permission, Noland dismissed the idea of setting up a “camera” in the room.

The next day, in the early morning.

Noland arrived at the Cat Society Shop in Sector 8 and went to the backyard to board the magic car driven by Philia.

Their silhouettes, along with the magic car, entered invisibility status, smoothly flying over the city’s buildings. The magic car passed through the City Gate of Sector 8 and entered the wilderness outside the city at a height of ten meters above the ground.

“No one noticed us leaving, right?” Philia gripped the steering wheel, looking left and right at the rear-view mirrors on both sides.

Noland sat in the passenger seat, looking back and forth, and tossed a Deconstruction Technique towards passing vehicles and pedestrians below.

magic car was covered in dark brown leather, which felt delicate and smooth to

style seemed quite retro, reminiscent of classic British cars. This type of car was quite common in the Harry Potter

but it used elemental energy as its power source and

not the slightest sound, and it was astonishingly stable; one couldn’t

by the

before, he thought that the Ulnas Circle was a country with a medieval setting, full of castles, metal armor, knights,

realized that his imagination of the Ulnas Circle

to what is in

all, a vehicle that embodies a country’s industrial foundation, a symbol of modern civilization, couldn’t

Invisibility Magic Array on the magic car, it was not difficult to

a country with both highly

of this magic car is quite good,” Noland said as he looked away

Wizards might not be the same. Third-Ring Wizards have been to the Ulnas Circle and know how to

Philia spoke with longing: “I wonder when I can advance to the Third-Ring. I really want to go to the Ulnas Circle to see for myself. My teacher told me that there are floating cities

give a specific location where the Bone-mending Wand disappeared? The Savage Stone Wasteland is vast, with just the fringes stretching hundreds of kilometers. We can’t

the Observer from the Death

disappeared in the southwest corner of the Savage

without mentioning a

head, pointing to the magical

Savage Stone Wasteland into this car’s Navigation Array. Once I drive the car to an uninhabited area in the wilderness, I’ll activate its automatic navigation

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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