Chapter 321: 125. Stars? No, door! 6


So that’s why you guys need so many Energy Points to be deconstructed!

Turns out you aren’t just ordinary stars!

Which sane wizard would hang a Teleportation Gate in the sky?

This is just too ridiculous…

Despite his astonishment, Noland Lee maintained his rational thinking and calm demeanor.

He cast Deconstruction Technique towards the female wizard who appeared next to Fugidia, viewed through the eyes of the Heart Control Spider. [System Message: You will soon use Deconstruction on “Unknown Wizard. “]

[Estimated consumption: 160,000 Energy Points, can achieve 100% degree of deconstruction.]

[System Message: You will soon use Deconstruction on “Unknown Wizard. “]

[Estimated consumption: 40,000 Energy Points, can achieve 100% degree of deconstruction.]

Two new wizards, one 160,000 and one 40,000.

Complete deconstruction of Fugidia requires consuming 40,000 Energy Points.

Comparing the two, one of the new witches has strength comparable to Fugidia, while the other is far stronger.

Noland’s face changes as he quickly controls the Heart Control Spider to burrow into the sand, covering the spider with sand and cutting off the mental connection to it.

Noland said calmly:

“Philia, drive the magical car at the slowest speed and get away from Fugidia and the others. Among the two witches who just teleported here, one has exceptional strength, far beyond three-circled.”

“Mm-hmm.” Philia nodded, activating the magical car and slowly retreating towards the distance.

She muttered:

“Things have gotten complicated. The Night Spirit Cult broke the rules and teleported two witches here. Only those close to the teleportation destination saw the scene in the sky just now. But besides us, the Magic Transmission Department responsible for managing the Teleportation Gates will also notice abnormalities. Maybe by now, they’ve already found out who broke the rules and opened the Teleportation Gate.”

Noland asked calmly:

would the Elemental Judgement

Noland’s calm affected Philia.

herself down, took a deep breath and

from the teleportation destination and won’t see the abnormality in the sky. But after the Magic Transmission Department investigates the destination, they will give her the exact coordinates.

Noland pondered and asked:

the opening of a Teleportation Gate? Can

but can’t be sure what caused

Ulnas Circle, known for its concealment, timeliness, and confidentiality. Anyvvay, I haven’t heard of anyone who can sense the opening of a Teleportation Gate from a

group of Teleportation

Philia focused on driving.

two quickly left

the building, Philia stopped the car and found

the situation at the abandoned building from a

Philia raised a telescope.

Heart Control Spider and then breathed

the spider was still burrowed in the sand and he co still feel the

spider to drill out from the sand, revealing half of its head and

attempting to prevent Fugidia and her two companions

being supported by a young witch who was

her companion,

face remained excited, full of joy in her eyes, and she shouted to the third Night Spirit wizard

precise location of the Bone-mending Wand! It’s right beneath our feet, right in the center of

had come to support Fugidia, looked somewhat older, much older than Fugidia, slightly stooped, and had somewhat loose

imperceptible nod and moved to stand in front of the two of

holding a two-handed magic wand with a bat wooden

sculpture, sweeping from

swept by this blood-red light exploded like an inflated balloon,

the ground but eerily floated in midair. These grey limb fragments turned into glistening red blood beads,


elderly witch held her left hand behind her back and walked leisurely forward, supporting herself with the two-handed magic wand acting as

they stepped into the underground cave in the abandoned building, the floating red blood beads extended several blood-colored threads. The blood beads used the threads to connect with the other blood beads nearby, together they formed a large blood-colored web blocking the entrance to the

Night Spirit witch just sealed off the entrance to the

said, while

to do? Is there

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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