Chapter 504: 164. Silent Visitor_3

Noland Lee persists in his rigorous regimen of practicing breathing techniques, body-forging movements, and meditation methods as he continues his travels to gather resources for the Sage Space.

Denise Green was no idle bystander. She immersed herself in Alchemy, laying a solid foundation for the future maintenance of the Sage Space. Noland got some books about the Suman Archipelago and deep-sea travel from Mabel, which he committed to mind before passing them on to Denise.

Under Noland’s arrangement, Denise devoted herself to familiarizing herself with the island life. She set aside her personal preconceptions about island life and started to construct a more detailed and realistic plan based on the factual knowledge recorded in the books.

It was only then that Denise realized how rudimentary her initial plan had been. However, it was not too late; there was still time to rectify everything.

As Noland and Denise were busy laying out their island life, the Elemental Judgment was steadily carrying out the aftermath of leaving Union City.

Moving houses for the wizards was far more convenient than ordinary people.

They only needed to neatly arrange their items and place them into the magical suitcase dedicated for long travels.

When Mabel first arrived in Union City, she brought along more than twenty magic suitcases, each with a volume exceeding 500 cubic units. This was enough to pack most of their things and take them away.

For living creatures such as magic cats, alchemy cats, alchemy plants, and other things that could not be put into the storage space, Mabel left them with the local Cat Society.

For her, moving house was a minor issue. What was truly troublesome was the task of clarifying certain responsibilities and disentangling herself from them.

The first thing was to sever her relationship with the Cat Society.

She had initially invested in the Cat Society under the guise of a traveling merchant, and now she wanted to withdraw her funds. Together with the alchemical animals she left with the Cat Society, she was able to reclaim a total of more than 300 million Union Coins.

As everybody knows, Union Coins are worthless outside Union City.

In order to protect her wealth from shrinking away, Mabel had to exchange them into alchemy weapons and alchemy materials before leaving Union City.

Noland intervened to connect Mabel to Derek Davis and Cindy, thereby introducing her to the administrator of the Golden Commerce Guild.

million. Besides, there were numerous broken alchemy weapons recycled from

in purchasing two million life potions and hundreds of

news, Noland could only shake his head and exclaim that Mabel

once casually revealed that she came from a prominent background, backed by an ancient wizard family. It seems that

was not for her casual wealth

with the Cat Society and averting a loss of wealth, Mabel began to worry about the

her tenure as the local magic institution mentor, the number of Wandering Wizards in Union City visibly

two observers from the Death

in the artificial Nest, a detail confirmed

and Sheldon Archer

the contamination zone of

the Tomb King was

For a moment, Mabel was stunned upon hearing

contamination zone had been closed down. At that time, Nikcat claimed to

also be underground in sector 6. That place was designated as a no-man’s

one who killed Nikcat bore

the situation, Professor Nikcat sighed

the wandering wizard’s demise didn’t

Shaper”, sent a message. Through Meifule’s professor, he informed Meifule of the death

area was closed. Whether there was a connection between the

memory, Hickman Arlington, the gloomy soul shaping wizard, had left Union City long ago,

this question, Gilbert Winchester fell into

keenly sensed something wrong, the other party’s silence

with Meifule’s questioning, Gilbert chose to evade, revealing no further

she had no clues at hand and

it was over, but it was

her back, Gilbert reported Hickman’s matter to the Wizard Law Enforcement

The implication was clear.

so he took this almost face-tearing approach to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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