Chapter 34

Kylie POV

“What are you doing?” I cried as Graham dragged me brutally. He had caught my hands so hard that his nails were digging in my skin.

“You’ve been insolent, immoral and rebelling against me,” he seethed. “Did you think your activities would go unnoticed by me?”

“Graham!” I cried. “Stop it!” I said as I struggled to wriggle out of his grasp. His hand was like a vice around my wrist. My heart was thundering in my ch*st . He had never behaved like the way he was doing now. I had absolutely no idea what Zoe had fed him, but I was dreading the outcome. The moment we were in the room, he shoved me to the floor and closed it.

“Graham, are you insane?” I shouted as I scrambled away from him, “What are you doing? The way you have dragged me from the ballroom, everyone stared at us. You have not only ruined my reputation, but you have ruined yours also!”

In a flash of a second, he was on me. He grabbed my throat and shook me hard. I caught his wrists as fear plummeted to my stomach. His hands around my n*eck tightened, and I started coughing as tears came out of my eyes.

“I’ve been lenient with you!” he growled. “But all you did was to take advantage of the situation! You hurt Zoe on purpose. Didn’t you?”

“Graham!” I choked in a hoarse voice.

my hair tightly and slammed my head on the bed’s leg. I screamed as my skin split and blood spurted. “Zoe told me how you spent a night with him. You f**ked him? Didn’t you? I should’ve known that I

as stars burst into

you b**ch! See what I am going to do when I take you to the Luna pack. I will not throw you in the dungeons. I am going to chain you to my

out a sob. “Don’t you feel anything

and hit a floor lamp. The glass of the lamp shattered and fell over me. Some

should have rejected you!” He lifted his hand to slap me again when the door burst open. The room filled with a loud and dangerous

and grabbed Graham by his collar.

wife. I will do whatever I like with her. Who are you to come in between? Are

shrieked and scrambled to the corner. These were two Alphas, and they were both provoked as hell. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Asher standing outside the door along with Ace, Shir,


Chapter 34

wood cracking filled the room. Alpha Logan kicked Graham on his stomach, making him wince with pain. Graham stumbled

and Ace rushed inside. They both stopped their Alphas

Alpha Logan. “This is war, Alpha Logan. I am taking my wife from

my wolves!”

dug the insides of his suit and took out rolled papers. He threw them on Graham’s face and said, “These are papers from the Elder Council. Kylie has filed

his hand. He opened them to read them.

Council in five days!” Alpha Logan walked to me and extended his hand. I took it and he pulled me up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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