Chapter 55

Kylie POV

The doctor was attending a g a m m a warrior with multiple injuries. The rogues had slashed his torso, and he was hyperventilating. In contrast, Zoe simply had a tiny wound on her forehead, which was now healing.

“Please, Alpha Graham,” the doctor insisted as he pressed a cloth to the warrior’s torso to stop bleeding. “I have to treat him first, else infection will set in.”

Graham snapped, “My woman is pregnant with my pup and she is injured. You better treat her or I am going to f c k i n g kill you!”

“Alpha Graham,” I retorted. “The warrior’s condition is worse than Zoe’s. She is already healing, but this warrior needs more attention. I hardly see any other bruises on Zoe.” Heck, I had more bruises than her.

“You don’t understand,” Graham shouted. “She is not conscious. She was a victim of this rogue attack.” My eyes went to her. She had opened her eyes partially. “She looks fine. Besides, how can you say she was a victim of the rogue attack? There’s hardly any scratch on her. Where was she when the rogues attacked? Because I didn’t see her anywhere. But Katy saw her sprinting to the back of the building. Did she abandon you?” From the periphery of my vision, I saw some Alphas, Lunas and g a m m a warriors had gathered around us.

Graham’s eyes widened for a second in confusion and then, gritting his teeth, he said, “I don’t want to argue with you. You are just jealous of her. This situation is all your fault because you were dumb, stubborn, and full of yourself. Had you not stirred up this drama of getting separated from me, everyone would have been fine!” He glanced at Alpha Logan and said, “Who knows if he planned this rogue attack?”

I flinched. Graham was accusing him of the rogue attack. I tried to speak, but Alpha Logan beat me to it. “Alpha Graham, if you are saying that I planned this attack, then do you have proof of it?”

Graham looked away, still grinding his teeth.

Alpha Logan continued, “We are standing on the premises of the Elder Head Council and you are defaming me here. Unless you have a proof that I am behind this attack, then I would suggest that you shut the f u c k up else am going to slap another case on you right now for defamation. And you can k*ss goodbye to your fg freedom! Also, don’t you ck in g say a word about my mate! She was forced to take this route only because you pushed her to the edge. But guess what? I am so glad that you drove her away from you. Now she’s mine!”


Emergency calls only.

Chapter 55

100 79%


him with barely controlled rage and I sensed regret all over again. He was about to snap, but at

He set her on her feet. She s t a g e r e d a little and clutched his torso as if she’d fall. He wrapped his arms

in a feeble voice, “I’m fine. Please don’t worry so much about me. I wanted to take part in the battle, but I protected our pup.” Her eyes filled with tears. “How’s your mate? I was so

the urge to roll my eyes. How did she manage to get

He picked her up in his arms, and after

defaming my brother, he just walked away with his lover? B a s t a r d! Can I go and kill him? And

“Katy!” he scolded her. “You are coming with me. Elder

I don’t know why, but I was also suspecting the same. However, there was no proof. She could


in his and muttered, “Let’s get out of here. I’m

the moment.”

t a f e w g am ma warriors that belonged to the Head Council as well. My heart went out for them. The Head Council selected these exceptional warriors from each pack after rigorous

door, looking like he could burst any time. “What took you so long?” he growled

cheeks flushed as Alpha Logan looked sheepishly at him. “I

emergency cans only MO

Chapter 55



am so sorry about my grandson. Please sit in the car. I want to take you safely away from here. This place will be renovated, and you are banned

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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