Chapter 74

Kyl!e POV

For a long t!me, I d!dn’t speak !n the car as I thought about Graham and h!s bl!nd love and support for Zoe. How could he not see her dece!t? Why was !t that every t!me I tr!ed to open h!s eyes, he would get even more !rr!tated?

I s!ghed as I looked out of the w!ndow towards the mounta!ns and valleys and p!nes and ‘f!rs that I had grown attached to. Along w!th Graham, I used to run !n th!s forest !n our wolf forms. T!mes when Zoe wasn’t there. At least that’s what I assumed. But she was there, watch!ng us all the t!me, strateg!z!ng her next move wh!le I was so obl!v!ous to her ev!l !ntent!ons, wh!le I was comm!tted to my pack’s well–be!ng.

I trusted Graham w!th all my heart, and he broke my heart w!th all h!s m!ght.

“Kyl!e?” Logan’s vo!ce pulled me out of my rever!e.

I snapped my head to look at h!m and forced a sm!le. Only when he w!ped my cheeks, I real!zed I was cry!ng.

“What are you th!nk!ng about?” he asked.

I shook my head. In a vo!ce choked w!th emot!ons, I sa!d, “I want to go to the temple of the Moon

Goddess and offer my prayers to her once we are !n the Nord pack.”


thank her for g!v!ng me a

me, he sa!d, “In that case, I have to go w!th

love you, Alpha

crown of my head. “And

chest as we drove to the Nord pack. I wanted to th!nk of my next step, but all I d!d was sleep. When we reached our pack, he carr!ed me !n h!s arms all the way to our bedroom and settled me on the bed. After

the m!ddle of the n!ght w!th a wet dream and a popp!ng sound. “Uhhh…?” I looked down !n confus!on, only to f!nd Logan suck!ng my breast. H!s hand had d!sappeared between my th!ghs and one f!nger was !n my pussy. Oh God! My Logan had the ab!l!ty to make me wet, even

“Logan!” started pump!ng them.

around Logan. I arched

as the heat !n my body unco!led at the speed

f!ngers and sucked them,

body, push!ng me !nto the mattress. H!s l*ps left my mouth, and he tra!led down to the slope of my throat. When he scraped h!s teeth and n!pped my sk!n, I moaned. He l!cked my mark, and des!re flooded my ve!ns. My core

a shudder down my body. H!s fangs grazed my sk!n,

he sa!d, mak!ng my breath lodge !n my throat. “You w!ll be my death and I can’t ever get enough

back when he p!nched them hard and released them; send!ng blood, draw!ng me towards a del!r!ous madness. He started

he gave me before he latched h!s mouth onto my core. H!s tongue was s!nful. The way he sucked me hard, push!ng h!s tongue !ns!de my core l!ke he wanted to f*ck me w!th !t, I couldn’t help but grab the p!llow for the love of l!fe. I thrashed my head aga!nst the p!llow as he cont!nued to suck me. “Come for me, baby,”

me !n waves after waves. I was so spent that my eyes almost closed, but he was relentless. Logan spread my legs

are so wet

he started pump!ng !ns!de me w!th the feroc!ty of a f!erce wolf. “Oh, God!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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