Chapter 162

Biancha POV

Half an hour later, the men were still drinking and talking loudly over dinner. James was watching them like a hawk. In the end, he couldn’t take it anymore and asked them to leave since we were closing. I knew he wanted to pay us as well in private. The men hurled curses at him as they left, but James stood there firmly with his arms crossed across his chest, watching them leave. As soon as they left, he handed us our salaries.

“Be wise and try to save,” he said when we squealed with happiness.

Nina left early along with the chef, and I busied myself in cleaning up the place. Once done, I stepped out of the restobar to breathe in fresh air. This was one of my favorite times. When all the work was completed, and I had no obligations for the next day or anyone to answer to. I didn’t have to worry about being punished if I didn’t finish my work. The only thing that I missed was school, but I’d give up my school any day to have a peaceful life.

The bruises and scars inflicted by my father, Karen, and stepsisters were beginning to heal. Nevertheless, the largest scar on my back, stretching from my right shoulder to the middle, was still in the process of healing. It was a gift from my father, who slashed my back when Ginny and Minne had complained about my tardiness in the kitchen. In a drunken stupor, he picked up the kitchen knife and slashed my skin.

Being wolf–less was the worst thing for us werewolves. Though we were stronger than the humans, our inability to shift meant we healed slower than the rest of the werewolves.

A gust of cool air blew, and I wrapped my arms around myself, rubbing them. The night was dark and quiet, with a few stars twinkling in the velvety sky. I tipped my head up and closed my eyes to inhale the fresh night air. However, the hair on the back of my neck stood up as a strange feeling of being watched cruised through me. This feeling unnerved me. I hated being watched. It appeared I had been transported back to a time when my stepmother and stepsisters would observe me like hawks, searching for any misstep.

Through the night, across the road, I heard heavy footsteps and a silent scream worked its way up when the faces of those five men emerged from the darkness. “Hello, Bia,” said the man with dark hair. “I know you can handle five, can’t you? We’d love to share you amongst us.”

Goosebumps lined my skin. Clenching my jaws in fear, I stepped back. “Go away,” I said in a feeble voice. “My employer is going to be really pissed if you harm me.”

The leader chuckled as he pressed his lower lip with his thumb salaciously. “Not that I fucking care.”

My mind raced to the options that I had. I could turn and run back in the restobar or I could take them head on. If I ran back in, I was sure that these men would wreck the furniture and then I would have to pay for it from my salary. That wasn’t an option I could use because the furniture was expensive. “Go away while you can,” I said, looking at all five of them. They were all burly and with my strength, I could take down at least two of them. But taking down the rest would not be possible. At least, not with the scar on my back. Maybe I could run away from them.


she can handle us,” said one on the

your cocks,” I warned them. “Use your mind and go away!” I took another step

the leader and lunged

I ducked. He fell in front of me. I ran away from him, but two others grabbed me. I kicked one in the groin. He grunted and covered

slapped me across my cheek. I screamed as my lips split, but I elbowed him with all my might. He doubled over, but only for

a flash of a second, another came and wrapped his strong fingers around my throat. He started opening his zipper, saying, “Bloody bitch! It is going to be so much fun drilling into her pussy. Are you wet for


lifted my leg to kick him, but he grabbed it and curled it around his hip.

my eyes welling with tears. I cursed myself for why I came out of the restobar. I should have locked it and stayed inside. “Please don’t,” I begged. “Why are you doing this?”

and put his hand inside his briefs to

pulled my dress up to the waist, baring my thighs. “She has smooth skin,” he chuckled. “I

said a guy who was watching them do it. “And then we’ll stuff her mouth with our cum.”

beastly that it made the men around me freeze in place. “Who’s there?” the leader shot a question in the blank space. He

in front of me stated. “Don’t be


if I were you,”

flitted through me. It was like I knew the voice, but it was rougher than what I had heard before. Maybe my mind

the hell is there?”

was accompanied by a brown wolf who

and you die,” Toren

me going loose. “We

before I unleash my wolf on you. Leave her, and I’ll let you

back. But the leader’s pride was hurt. He shoved me behind him and pulled his gun out. “I’m going to kill both of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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