Chapter 179

Biancha POV

Alpha Logan and Luna Kylie were ecstatic and so was the entire family when they saw Toren’s mark on me.

“I can’t believe it!” Luna Kylie squealed. “Both my sons are mated!” She hugged me tightly as Toren watched us with fondness. Ever since he had marked me, he was relaxed. And so was 1. That urgent need to be with him all the time was met with. His mark was like I was carrying him with me everywhere I went.

“When you return, we are going to have celebrations for both of you,” Kylie said with a grin. Alpha Logan was standing with Toren, watching us with a broad smile.

Layla and Astrid hugged me after that, both of them already talking about our future plans together. I blinked away the tears I had in my eyes for getting a family that was valuable in every term. They were all so loving and protective that I couldn’t think of anyone else being in my family. The fact that I was Alpha Jax’s daughter made me feel even better. At least I wasn’t an abandoned child. And I would not be a rogue for all my life. All my tortures had come to an end.

My father was standing at the door, looking at me with hopeful eyes, his expression warm and welcoming. When my gaze met his, he looked at his watch, indicating that we had to leave fast. The River Creek pack was pretty far away from here, and we were going by road.

My reason to go alone with my father was that I wanted some time to explore my home after having stayed away from them for eight long years. Honestly, I was extremely excited to meet everyone.

Toren wrapped me in his arms and kissed the crown of my head. “I don’t think I can stay without you.” Then he lowered his voice and added, “You are gonna miss your favorite food.”

Goddess. I smacked him on his chest and he laughed. It was true that his cum was enough for me for days because that was my true appetite. I ate food just to please others.

he said as he handed me the bottle of potion. “I got it made for you again. Just be

a deep breath in. Aiden was such a caring wolf. “Thanks, Aiden,” I said and hugged

“Your mate is growling at me. If you remain in this position even for a second more,

Aiden a little more and pulled away. Toren was immediately at my side,

journey to the River Creek pack was surprisingly smooth. Alpha Jax stopped at various spots only so that I relaxed and ate food. He had come with four warriors and all of them looked at me with intrigue. We reached there by evening. It seemed my father had informed everyone about our arrival because I saw many men and women standing out

at the main door along with Mason, who was holding a pup in his hands. My throat choked seeing her. She looked lovelier, with her dark hair in a

and I hugged her tightly. This

hid my head in the crook of her neck, smelling her familiar scent. How I missed her? I wish I could rewind the time, but things had to happen the way they happened. It was my destiny to meet Toren. Had I not been kidnapped


with her hands

“I missed you too.”

  • 2.

said. “And this is my pup, Ken.” Ken watched me

me. But I met them only after I had downed the bottle of potion. I didn’t want any catastrophes happening in my pack. My father took me to the cabin where

was also withering, It was like he wanted to give it all up and stay in the cabin. Erin had told me he was planning on giving



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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