Coolest Girl in Town 

Chapter 226 

As the wedding ceremony officially started, Elise sat in the audience and enjoyed the couple onstage exchanging their vows, rings and a kiss…

While watching the scene before her unfold, she couldn’t help but be touched. In a daze, she fantasized that she was the bride and Alexander was the groom as they hosted their wedding under the eyes of their families and friends.

“We have now reached the end of the ceremony! Next, let us welcome all of the single ladies to step forward as the bride will toss her bouquet of flo—”

Just as the announcer was about to finish his sentence, Audrey interrupted, “Wait a minute…”

The announcer was quick to respond. “It seems like our bride has something to say.”

Audrey took over the microphone and spotted Elise in the crowd. “I want to invite the designer of my wedding dress to come onstage.”

The crowd cheered as they all wanted to meet the designer who had produced such a gorgeous wedding dress.

Although Elise was confused, she finally went onstage amidst everyone’s gaze after Audrey’s encouragement.

The moment Elise appeared onstage, it caused an uproar among the crowd.

“What? She was the one who designed the wedding dress?”

“How is that even possible? Isn’t she Alexander’s fiance? Is she also a designer?”

“The wedding dress is gorgeous! She must be an amazing designer to have fashioned such a beautiful bridal gown!*

It was obvious that Elise couldn’t hear what the crowd murmured about, but when she stood beside Audrey, Audrey immediately passed the bouquet of flowers to her.

“Miss Sinclair, I present to you these flowers and wish that you can marry your own prince charming soon.”

“Thank you!”

audience clapped as Elise accepted

wedding without any regrets.” Audrey turned to address the crowd. “I can see that she is really talented with fashion. If anyone here is interested, you can contact

moment they heard Audrey’s words, the ladies in the audience started to have their

wouldn’t be a single girl in

didn’t hesitate to give Brendan a shoutout so that the audience would know who to look for if they wanted to have their

she started to receive orders for custom made dresses and bridal gowns one after another. However, as the reaction

the other hand, Brendan, who was at home, was puzzled when he suddenly

name became

was now aware that Alexander’s fiance was a wedding dress designer who produced Audrey’s bridal

many orders specifically requesting for your custom made designs pouring

“I don’t have much time as I’ve less than six

they’re willing to wait for

for your exams and leave the

merely grunted in

the car with the intention of sending her to school. “I’m going to school now. You don’t need to pick me up

left after he

soon as Alexander had left,

was shocked by

The entire upper-class society has been talking about your amazing bridal gowns designs and that you are now Alexander’s

“Is that all they’ve been talking

looks, but Jamie wouldn’t repeat what was said to her. After all, he had seen her gorgeous looks before, so there was no

course not! You’re now famous, Boss. They would all be shocked if they discover that you are actually the award-winning designer, Lily—”However, before Jamie could even finish his sentence, Elise

*Don’t speak too loud.”

that he wouldn’t repeat his mistakes again, so

I’m saying is the

about this

when Elise mentioned the fan meeting that Jamie finally remembered his reason for coming in the first

a lot of people are willing to buy the tickets for a higher price now that they know you’re holding

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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