Chapter 241,Coolest Girl in Town

Elise replied, “Thanks for your reminder, Mrs. Griffith, but you don’t seem to know your son very well. His views might not be similar to yours, so what you said today didn’t crush my determination to stay with him. Instead, it strengthened my resolve. I’m a bit tired, so I’ll be going upstairs for a rest. You should rest early, too.” With that, she turned around and left, her back straightened. Madeline looked sullen, her face livid with anger as she was left alone in the living room. What gives this country woman the nerve to stand up to me? she thought. Then, she took out her cell phone and made a phone call, saying, “Hey, Maya, it’s me!

Are you free tomorrow…” … When Elise returned to her room, all her disguises vanished at once, leaving only a despondent look on her face. Back when Jonah was still in the Griffith Residence, she seemed to have nothing to worry about. But now, Madeline was telling her outright to back out and not ask for the moon. But was there room for turning back at this point right now? The next day, Elise got up early in the morning. She had promised Brendan to go to his studio today to help him, so after having breakfast, she had the chauffeur drive her to his studio right away without waking anyone else.

Brendan was somewhat surprised to see her. “What brings you here so early in the morning, Elise?” he asked. Elise raised her eyes to look at him as she replied, “Well, it happens that I’ve got nothing else to do, so I decided to come early. Is my office still where it was?” “Yeah, I cleared out a large space for you around here. Let me show you the way.” Elise hurriedly followed Brendan all the way to the end of the corridor before he stopped and pushed the door open.

Coming into view was a large room that had several mannequins wearing wedding dresses of different styles placed at the door in various postures. “This is where you’ll be working during your summer break. Take a look at it. Do you like it?” Brendan asked. Elise entered the room and looked around before walking up to the French window. As she gazed out of the window, she had a panoramic view of the incredibly beautiful scenery in the distance. “What a beautiful place this is! It’s simply a pleasure to work here.” Brendan chuckled at her words.

left the room, leaving Elise alone in the spacious office. As Elise looked at the colored pencils and drawing papers before her, she suddenly had a brilliant inspiration in her mind. Therefore, she sat down, picked up the pencils, and started drawing the outlines. As it turned out, Elise was a workaholic who couldn’t tear herself away from her work once

at Elise’s office. Then, he went over and knocked on her door. “Elise…” Elise was still drawing designs,

clock. When she saw that it was almost 1PM, she was stupefied. “No way. It’s almost 1PM?” Brendan let out a sigh of helplessness. “Should you go for lunch then?” Elise had a stretch and then stood up. “Alright, I’ll be going for lunch now.” After

through the phone. “It’s me. Where are you now?” When Elise heard the voice, she realized belatedly who it belonged to. She quickly answered, “Hi, Mrs. Griffith. Is there anything you need from me?” “I’m now shopping at Moore Plaza. Come and pick me up.” “Huh? But

pretend I never asked.” Elise breathed a sigh of helplessness. “That’s not what I meant. It’s just that I’ve got some work to deal with over here. How about you do some shopping first? I’ll be there later.” However, Madeline replied, “I’m giving you half an hour. You’ll suffer the

the relationship anymore.” Maya Dahlen was inwardly delighted when she heard Madeline’s reply, but her face gave nothing away. Instead, she said regretfully, “I think Alexander’s really nice, actually. I just couldn’t fathom why he would get engaged to

engagement is no longer valid, of course.” “Really? Is that so, Godmother?” “It’s true, of course! Trust me. When Elise shows up later,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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