Chapter 258 

Alexander walked straight in. Ill send you over after breakfast.” 

Elise made a sound of affirmation and hurriedly sat down at the dining table. The pair sat across from each other, eating breakfast, when there was a ding. A message came in

It was from Mikayla. Elise quickly opened the message to see that Mikayla had sent her a photo. The Tissot University signage, all in capitals, was clearly visible in the picture. Right after that, Mikayla sent a voice message

Look, Elise! I got into Tissote University!‘ 

Elise smiled as she recorded her reply. Congrats

Mikayla quickly sent her another message. I just decided to try it out and see when I took their entrance exam. I had low expectations, but then I passed! And I thought that I could only get into some regular uni with my university entrance exam scores. Who would have thought that I would end up getting such a huge surprise?‘ 

Thats wonderful! We can go to the same university

Hey, I heard that youre working at Brendans atelier, yeah? Send me the address Ill come over in a bit

Elise sent the location to Mikayla. She then put down her phone and looked at Alexander. Mikayla got into Tissote University too. We can go to class together now. But, Mikayla got in as a music major. We arent in the same faculty, but at least well be going to the same campus.” 

Thats great news. You can look after each other then.” At that, Alexander paused before continuing, Are you sure youll be okay in Tissote? Do you want me to come with you?” 

Elise instinctively shook her head. Nah, youre busy with work. Every day, youve got so many things to handle. If you go with me to Tissote, what will happen to the company?” 

Its not like the company will just collapse without me there! On the other hand, Im a little worried since youll be alone in a new city.” 

Ill be fine! I have Danny and Mikayla too, right? So just relax.Elise had already  

put down her cutlery. “I‘m going to the atelier now. I just got a new order in from Tissote, and

out his car keys. “I‘ll drive

and began

Elise was moping around, Mikayla knocked on

quickly answered, “Come on in!”

look came over her face when she saw Elise. “I heard from others that many people came looking for you to design their wedding dresses because of your reputation. You should‘ve picked fashion design as your major–it‘ll be a boon for you in the future when it‘s time to

design is just something I do as a hobby. I‘ve never thought of turning it into a proper job.

still impressed. “But you‘re doing so well even if it‘s just a hobby. You‘re just awesome, Elise.” She had stars in her eyes. “Hey, since you‘re a pro when it comes to designing wedding dresses, you‘ll personally design my dress when I get

nodded and

looking forward to my future wedding. I‘m sure I‘m

to get married already?

for now, but I‘ll get a boyfriend sooner or later. It‘s just—you‘ll probably get married earlier than me. You and Alexander are in such a steady relationship. Are you planning

about this. “If we do feel that way by then, then most

are you serious? You‘ll only be 22 by

least when yonig by marriage

her lips. “But I want to be at least 30 when I

partner want to marry. If you‘re 30 by the time you meet Mr. Right, then that‘s when you should get married! Love can wait. It‘s worth it as long as

nodded in agreement. “You‘re right! As long as you‘ve found happiness, it doesn‘t matter when you get married.”

while. Elise looked down at the paper in her hands and said, “I can‘t stay and chat longer with you; I still have work to do.

do your thing then!” With that, Mikayla swiped a magazine and sat on the couch to flip through it. Elise put the blank paper aside and began to draw some


drawing paper into a ball and hurled

by Mikayla‘s feet. She closed her magazine and bent down to pick up the paper ball on the ground curiously. She then smoothed out the paper. The paper had

Elise, whats up?” 

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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