Chapter 371 As Happy as a King,Coolest Girl in Town
Ever since Laura had been hospitalized, Jeanie was left all alone at the Sinclair Residence. Two days later, Faye, who had been secretly watching over the situation, barged into the house and took Jeanie away by force. Meanwhile, Elise and Thomas were working hand in hand to remove the toxin in Laura’s body. He had heard from Alexander that Elise saved Laura’s life using a silver needle, but without seeing it with his own eyes, he still had reservations and refused to believe that a freshman student would have such profound knowledge and skills in traditional medicine.

However, the truth soon gave Thomas a slap in his face. The moment Elise opened the bag that contained her needle set, it was as if she changed into a different person. Her way of inserting the needles was gentle yet firm. Laura’s condition slowly improved as Elise inserted the needles, some color gradually returning to her face. After Elise had inserted the last needle, Thomas conducted a test on Laura and found that the amount of toxin in her body had dropped, and all the health indicators were closer to the norm. He was acquainted with many physicians of traditional medicine and most of them were gentle in nature. They tended to overcome hardship with gentleness, doing activities like Tai Chi.

However, the acupuncture technique that Elise had demonstrated that day was rather aggressive. To Thomas’ knowledge, only the top traditional medicine physician in the country, Mr. Monnay, had skills that were on par with hers. Nonetheless, Mr. Monnay had retired a few years ago and nobody knew his whereabouts. Rumor had it that his acupuncture technique which could bring back the dead was at the risk of being lost. Never in a million years would Thomas have thought that he would be so fortunate to see this skill set on another person. Presently, Thomas excitedly went up to Elise and stood right in front of her. “Miss Sinclair, may I know what’s your relationship with Mr. Monnay?”

“I’m not related to him.” Elise had no time for small talk, so she went straight to the point and asked, “Did my grandmother’s condition show any improvement?” “Of course!” Thomas dropped his previous cold and aloof bearing, and replaced it with a bright grin on his face. “Miss Sinclair, the acupuncture technique that you have just used is known to bring back the dead in the medicine world. Although it may sound a little exaggerated, you have indeed brought Old Mrs. Sinclair back from the brink of death!” Upon hearing that, Elise heaved a sigh of relief. “That’s great.” “Don’t worry,” Thomas replied, then continued to probe, “You are actually Mr. Monnay’s disciple, right? And he has passed down his ultimate technique to you, I believe?

looked at him impassively. “You asked so many questions. Which one of them should I answer first?” “It’s up to you.” Thomas spread his hands, looking generous. Studying the treatment method of various complex illnesses was the ultimate pursuit of these devotees of the medicinal

be picky, although he wouldn’t really do so in the first place. Nonetheless, Elise simply denied him. “No.” Thomas was stunned and the smile on his face became stiff. “Are you saying that you are not Mr. Monnay’s disciple, or you don’t wish to teach me acupuncture?” he asked resignedly. “Both.” After she said that, Alexander happened to be coming over in her direction, so Elise mercilessly turned away and left, leaving Thomas behind. A devastated Thomas then wailed, “Alexander, your fiancée is too heartless!” Alexander rolled his eyes at the doctor before holding onto Elise’s hand. As the duo waited

did I fail to find Mr. Monnay, but I couldn’t get Elise to teach me even when she was right in front of me! Could it be that I will never have the chance to learn those secret acupuncture skills in this lifetime? I surely won’t be able to die in peace! After exiting from the hospital, Elise and Alexander got into the MPV that had been prepared for them.

to pass by a man-made forest to reach the destination. Just as Alexander was driving past the forest, headlights of a few cars suddenly lit up the place. In the blink of an eye, a number of jeeps charged out from the forest and onto the road, sandwiching Alexander’s car in the middle. Fortunately, Alexander stomped on the brakes in

were able to see him clearly, he abruptly leapt onto the hood and started to smash

to her side. The two of them then stood close to each other, not a hint of fear on their faces. “Jeremy Olson, it seems like you have a death wish.” Murderous intent filled Elise’s eyes. She had initially planned to let him live for a couple of days more, but since he had showed up to seek death, she didn’t mind sending him on a trip to Hell! Standing on the top of the car, Jeremy looked down at them. Her words made him guffaw until he slumped on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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