Chapter 104 – Instead of retreating to her room, Serenity went to the balcony and sat on the
swing as she stared at the flowers and stars in the night.

Having pulled herself together, Serenity got up and went to her room. It was a quiet and peaceful night
for the young couple. Meanwhile, at the hospital , the Hunts were caught in a media hell storm.

The media circus which they had dragged Liberty and Serenity into did not impact greatly on the sisters.
However, Serenity‘s response to their tweet not only contained Liberty‘s account of the truth back then,
but also the recording of the townspeople‘s narration. Even the town council backed up Serenity‘s claims.

The Hunts‘ jobs, income, and residences were uncovered by resourceful netizens. They lived in villas and had decent
employment with annual incomes ranging from hundreds of thousands to over a million.

Now, enough about the younger family members. Old Mr. and Mrs. Hunt had savings up to hundreds
of thousands as well.

The Hunts family had more than enough to foot the grandmother‘s medical

bills but they sought damages from the two granddaughters instead.

proofs, especially the phone conversation between Old Mr. Hunt

children are successful on their own, so why can‘t they pay up?) (Why bring the

both parties won‘t owe each other anything after getting the insurance money. They sure have the nerve to change

The grandfather must be joking. I can‘t believe

expect the children and grandchildren to come together and chip in for

contributing with the funds, the grandfather wants the granddaughters

reimburse the grandsons‘ gas and accommodation. Talk about discrimination against girls.]

a senior executive at one of Stone Group‘s subsidiaries. The Stones should reconsider their hiring policies.)

since he got his secretary to pen the storyline to his narrative. There were users who tagged Stone Group‘s official handle. The

children and grandchildren in trouble. Those girls will hear

own grandmother‘s medical bills? I

the ward. Old Mrs. Hunt echoed her husband‘s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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