Megan pressed her hand against her cheek and stared at Finneas with teary eyes.

On the other hand, Finneas merely hung his head low and gritted his jaw.

Coming to a painful decision, he suddenly slapped himself on the cheek and forced a smile at Selena. "I hope you're feeling better now, Selena. I'm really sorry. I was too reckless just now, and I am making it up to you by slapping myself. Are you still upset?"

She looked at his smiling face and realized that she had never fully understood Finneas.

In their long-running relationship, he had let her down countless times. Once, he forgot something and left her waiting in the snow for four hours. Another time, he made a careless mistake and wounded her hand, which required a few stitches. There were more similar incidents, but he had never once apologized to her.

To her dismay, he apologized to her without hesitation today under pressure.

However, Pierre merely smirked at Finneas. "What's with the cash on the floor?"

Finneas lowered his gaze and saw the bills he threw at Selena scattered across the floor. He suddenly bent over and picked up the bills tirelessly, one after another.

Upon witnessing the scene, even Megan herself felt humiliated and wished to leave Finneas in the store. This was the first time she had witnessed him in a position of inferiority.

On the other hand, Pierre put his arm around Selena's shoulders and watched the drama unfold.

Finneas finished picking up the bills, straightened his back, and handed the money to Selena. "Selena, didn't you say that these are not enough? How much do you want? I will prepare the amount later." Gazing into his 'sincere' eyes, she was momentarily speechless. Pierre unexpectedly accepted the stack of bills and said, "Alright."

Finneas instantly beamed at him, thinking that everything was settled. "In this case "

bills back onto his face. "She will get any amount of money she needs from me. She

hit Finneas on the face, but

you're quite resilient. I'm in awe of you.

sigh of relief. His endurance and efforts had not gone to waste. He commented, "We got to know each other better

By the way, President Lake, you're getting

card from his pocket, which he had prepared early on in case he ran

join us on the date!" Finneas politely handed Pierre the invitation with both hands,

we will have ample opportunities to work

Megan's tailored wedding gown. "Miss

again, Megan reverted to her

into the car.

Megan sat pitifully beside her fiance after getting slapped earlier. Even then, Finneas was glaring at her. "You knew that he's the president of JNS Corporation, so why didn't you tell me? You

Megan stammered and struggled to

back into the

imposter! How could he suddenly become the actual president of JNS

was lifted from her shoulders. Holly quickly grabbed an ice pack and pressed it against

that their relationship had pushed me into a living hell. When I look at

smirked at her remark as

though Holly was unsure about the relationship between Selena and Pierre, she could easily make a guess through her observation. Therefore, she made up an excuse to go upstairs, leaving them alone "Why didn't you hit him back?" he stared at Selena's swollen

now, will that even affect him?" She pressed the ice

the card, she made a meaningful remark. "I will send her a generous gift." When the swelling on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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