Once John gives his blessing for my marriage with Pierre, everything will be set in stone!

When she stepped out from the bathroom, she was shocked to see Pierre standing in the room.

"Pierre? W-Why are you home?" The thought of showing her current unkempt appearance to him made her uneasy.

However, Pierre didn't seem to be bothered at all. "I came back to see Jamie."

On the other hand, Jameson was fast asleep. He had been running a fever for three days straight, so he had lost his appetite. Any food he took would end up being vomited. Hence, he had lost a huge amount of weight and his sickly face looked pitiful.

"It took Jamie some time to fall asleep. This is the third day of his fever, and he doesn't show any other symptoms. So, the doctor concluded that he likely has Roseola. His fever should be gone by today, so don't worry about it. If you're busy, you should head back to the office. I will take care of everything."

Acting her role of a gentle wife and mother, Meredith covered her mouth and coughed weakly to gain his sympathy.

With that, she successfully attracted his attention, but when he noticed her worn-out face, he still failed to show any emotion. "You must have been tired after taking care of him for three days in a row. Why don't you take a rest?"

him, "Young Master Pierre, you're here! Have you had lunch? If you


Miss Yard, the food is ready. Please go

you enter at the wrong time? Meredith grumbled silently because she had planned to spend more time with Pierre. However, Jameson's condition was stable at the moment and she did

Cora stole a quick glance at Pierre and hastily showered praises for the young mistress. "Young Master Pierre, Miss Yard is the perfect wife and mother! She has been taking care of Young Master Jamie without the slightest bit of complaint. Look at her now; she's gotten so exhausted because she did

with silence. Realizing that she shouldn't ramble on, she turned her focus to her

movement, Cora went up to fuss over him. "Young Master

look at Cora and turned his attention to Pierre. "Daddy, I want to eat pineapple

Master Jamie, you have never tried that

person-in-charge of their menu, she was very

had tried pineapple rice before; Selena was the one

should I prepare some chicken noodle

suggestion, so he gestured at Cora, who took

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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