Selena spoke in a slow and soft voice, but every word pounded on Pierre's heart while he ruminated on the fact that she had a phobia toward antique phones. "I'll have someone install a new phone.'

All of a sudden, she realized it was pointless to talk about her past with him, seeing that he was a man who was all about benefits instead of emotions. Seemingly intent on changing the topic, he asked, "Is the meal to your taste?"

"Yeah." Selena didn't have much of an appetite as she was feeling upset.

"I can cook for you if this isn't to your taste." He gave her a wink as he spoke.

How dare he keep flirting with me! However, she was also curious about how he learned to cook. "How did you learn to cook? I don't think you'd get a lot of chances to cook since you come from such a rich family."

"Nobody cares if you're from a rich family while in the military." He chuckled in good humor. "While I was in the military, I was assigned into the logistics troop."

fit. She thought it was hilarious that he was assigned to cook while in the logistics troop, which made

I was there, as I didn't

the military for generations, which meant John was actually able to have him assigned into better troops through connections, Pierre chose to join the cooking squad. It was while he was there that he

added. Selena was no longer laughing by that point, as she knew his mother passed away early on, while Helen, who was the family's current matriarch, was in fact his stepmother. It was the first time ever he mentioned his mother

Did her cooking

spending long hours in the kitchen. The bin was always filled with her failed cooking." With that, he lowered his

While he smiled, he was no different from a shy big boy. For the first time ever, she figured he might not be as

as she could see gloominess gradually taking over his features. She felt an underlying fear of him choking her by her neck for asking that question, but in the end, he didn't. Instead, his expression returned to normal

meal. Seeing that Sandra didn't attend to them after they finished their food, Selena said in a hurry, "I'll help do the dishes. Mrs. Yaxley must be busy." With that, she went into the kitchen with the utensils.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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